Accountability - What did you eat, Sunday 5/6?
Back to the work week...I had a busy weekend, yesterday was blustery her in eastern NC - weeded my garden early in the A.M. then moved indoors for a round of cooking/baking...Trying out a couple of new recipies this week, you'll see them in my postings...
B - 10 oz protein hot chocolate
1 turkey sausage pattie
S - 1 oz lf cheddar cheese
3 pieces sf chocolate (
, wish I had not broke down and given in on these, was looking
around for something to go with the cheese and these won out
L - medium banana w/ 2 tbsp peanut butter and added fiber
S - 1/2 a italien sausage stuffed mushroom ( new recipe had to taste test it, was YUMMY)
D - 3 oz grilled sirlion tip roast
bacon wrapped asparagus spears
S - sf chocolate/kahlua egg custard ( another new recipe,
PLUS - 72 oz water/crystal light
Cals - 1202 Fat - 55 Carbs - 95 Protein - 96

alesia, how you make hot cho with the protein? i want some recipes............... here is what i had yesterday.....
May 6, 2007 Foods
B-l&f white cho. rasb. yogurt ( 1 serving ) flax seed meal ( 1 serving )
L- Pork steak or cutlet, ( 2 oz, boneless, cooked ) broccoli normandy ( 0.33 serving ) Egg, white only, cooked ( 1 white ) S-oh yeah cho. peanut butter ( 0.5 serving ) S-body fortress chocolate ( 1 serving ) Water ( 1 cup )
D-las campanas beef&bean burrito ( 1 serving )
coburn farms nsa cocoa mix ( 2 serving )
S-oh yeah cho. peanut butter ( 0.5 serving ) Total calories 1062 fat 43 carb 89 pro.84
16 oz coffee 16 oz. hot ****oa 48 oz water
42 minutes on treadmill did 2 miles
Anytime you see something on my posts you want a recipe for, just ask, I will always post it ...
Protein Hot chocolate:
1 pkt carb select hot cocoa
1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder
1/4 cup COLD chocolate carb count down milk
water to top off cup
squirt of ff redi-whip
Mix the cocao, protein and milk with a little whisk in the cup and add water once it comes to a boil (its important that the milk is really COLD so that when you mix in the boiling water it does not get too think from the protein powder)...Top with a squirt of redi-whip (optional) and enjoy

hey thats sounds good. i dot have the carb select hot cocoa just nsa hot cocoa i dont have the carb countdown either so cant make it.... darn..... but can use skim... hmmm maybe tonight i will think about it but i like my hot tea at night lately... hey am i doing better with food? we was cut with my money so couldnt buy the stuff i normally do like yogurt so will have to make do what i have in the house. hey i want to make meatloaf tonight got any recipes for that i just ususally throw stuff in it and not use a recipe.... anita
I definately think you can do some substitutions, the real key is to use the 1/2 scoop of protein powder and make sure the milk is cold to keep it from thickening up too much when you add the boiling water to the mixture...
food choices looked really good to me, but I did'nt really see a problem with anything you were posting in the first place - It seems to me you have a pretty good grip on what you should and shouldn't be eating and just need a little fine tuning on the details...
As for the meatloaf, my fav is to mix in a northeastern (MA or CT) specialty food called Picallily Relish - if I don't have any of that on hand I like to mix a little spicy salsa in with my meatloaf ingredients of eggs, bread crumbs/cracker crumbs, diced onions and grated parmasen cheese - makes a delish kinda zippy tasting meatloaf and of course tomato sauce over the top before baking...

i am trying to do good food choices... i am so worried about carbs and calories. at the support meeting tongight she said dont worry about them but i do and the group i was at tonight was for preops and all.. i see a big problem having too many carbs...but she is just a social worker anyways.... i just throw stuff in my meatloaf.. seasoning , egg, i did use dry bread crumbs since i didnt have any crackers. oh course i put ketchup on top of my meatloaf before i put it in the oven..some use tomato sauce. anita
B-1oz almonds
L-subway low carb turkey wrap with a few strawberries and kiwi
D-shrimp salad with avocado slices, pico de gallo, and cheese
Weighed on last Thurs morning and was 153.9(my limit is 155), had a bad eating day that day and was too scared to weigh Friday morning. Have done well since Friday and planning to weigh again in the morning. Hoping real hard to be closer to 150 again.