Goldfish Bowl Syndrome?
I have struggled with this Goldfish Bowl Syndrome since my surgery, and I'm just not sure how to get past it and put it behind me once and for all. Suggestions and comments are welcome! Okay, so what the heck is she talking about? What is this Goldfish Bowl Syndrome? Well, I'm sure that all of us have experienced it - most especially since having weight loss surgery, but many of us prior to surgery..... the feeling that we are swimming in the goldfish bowl and everyone (on the outside) is watching and critiquing everything we do - in our case, everything we eat. I was very conscious of this when I weighed 350 pounds. Not only when I ate, but when I grocery shopped (are they looking in my cart and shaking their heads in pity?), shopped for clothes, etc. During the honeymoon phase following my surgery, I KNEW and WAS PREPARED for the feeling of being watched - and believe it or not, I was okay with it. I was proud that I finally had a handle on my eating and the weight was effortlessly falling off. Even the fact that people felt compelled to criticize my GOOD choices didn't really bother me because I was doing what I was supposed to be doing and the results were showing. So, how come (nearly four years later) do I still feel like I'm swimming in this goldfish bowl with everyone watching me? Are they really watching me or is it the guilt I feel for not having reached my goal and even dealing with a little re-gain in the process? Are they shaking their heads in pity and saying, "She failed once again...." Or, how do I deal with the people that don't understand that, four years later, the amount of food I consume during a meal is normal for me at this stage? Many believe that we are supposed to be able to eat one grape per meal for the rest of our lives and feel full. They don't get it that the further out we are, the more normal amount of food we can eat. Instead of the ability to simply ignore these nagging feelings, I feel compelled to constantly "explain myself" when it's really not necessary. How do I put this behind me? Anyone with any suggestions, solutions, comments, etc? How do I clean my fish bowl and put it on the shelf ONCE AND FOR ALL?????
OH we KNOW each other???!!! I wrote almost the exact same thing in my journal the other day - about people saying "she eats what she used to" - she's gonna gain it all back........... So, to that I answer, I think part of it IS guilt. I have gained back 10 pounds in 3.5 years, which everyone says is great........I looked weird at 137........anorexic almost......... But, I DO eat some things now that I shouldnt....hell, probably alot that I shouldnt........ We just have to go on............Its ok when I meet someone who doesnt know I have had surgery - they just think I dont eat much........
I dont explain to anyone and you shouldnt feel the need to........... But I feel "watched" and I still feel guilty..................

Surgery August 30, 2004
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery 9/25/2002 260/134 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks
