I'm a Tante!!!
Hello friends!
Today, I am a Tante (German for Aunt). My sister gave birth early this morning to her miracle baby!! Mom and baby are doing very well! We are SO EXCITED to welcome this new, whole person into our lives and are anxious to get to know her!
I was on the phone last night with my sister counting contractions with her. At 7:30 PM, I thought she should call the doctor but she didn't. I called at 8:30 PM and she said they had just stopped and sorry! At 9:00 PM, my mother called to say that she was going to the hospital to only be check to be sure. Uh huh! At 9:15 PM, my mother called from her car saying she and my father were on the way to the hospital as my sister called from the car to report that her contractions had sharply and suddenly gone to three minutes apart!!! YIKES! She arrived at the hospital at 9:45 PM. She was given an Epidural at 10:45 PM and our new baby girl was born at 12:15 AM! How is that fair? I've had 3 NINE PLUS pound babies and my shortest labor was 9 1/2 hours! But that's another story!
At least she didn't have her baby in the car as my cousin did 3 years ago or as my other cousin (her sister) who had her baby last month in the ER waiting room as they had JUST brought her through the door and couldn't get her upstairs or in a room in time!!!!! YIKES!!!! Yes, there are people in my family who have totally painless labor and don't even realize it until the baby is crowning! (TMI?) So, I'm thankful that my baby sister got to the hospital when she did. My mother reports that she's done very well and continues to do well. I have not talked to her as her husband was asleep and I didn't want to ring the phone. So, I am patiently *ahem* waiting for the phone to ring!!!! This is reminiscent of Vickie Carr's "Let It Please Be Him!" LOL LOL
I had a flight out schedule today but my oldest has her first dance competition tonight which I thought was next week and I need to stay here to support her!!! So, we'll let my sister rest up a bit, get home, settled, and we're all driving for a quick weekend to meet our new angel!
I have been most grateful of all the love, friendship, and community that is here in Texas. I love being a Texan but there is a huge element of me that is so sad that I won't be as close to my niece as I always thought I would be. We'll all just have to work extra hard at making sure she KNOWS us. I can see that I'd better adjust the budget for more airfare!!!!! Yes?
This is a HUGE bright spot in our lives which was very needed! I am bursting with JOY!
So, the details as I know them.........
Piper Renee (Renee is my grandfather's middle name (thought the m. spelling of Rene, my father's first name (also m. spelling), my middle name (f. spelling adding an "e"), and my oldest daughter's middle name (f. spelling with additional "e") --all given to first born babies -- is there a tradition and/or trend here?) I'd like to think my new niece is named after ME! LOL
OK ---- Piper Renee was born on May 2, 2007 at 12:15 AM weighing 7 pounds, 5 ounces (TINY TINY) and 20 inches long. Mom and baby are expected to go home sometime tomorrow!
Thank you all for all you do!
Best to all,
I have two sides to my brain - a right side and a left side. The trouble is sometimes there is nothing left in the right side and nothing right in the left side.
Post-Op RNY 6.5 years
HW 252 GW 140 CW 140
Thanks, Steph!
I wish you all the best on your upcoming 2nd round!! DING! DING! DING!
I have two sides to my brain - a right side and a left side. The trouble is sometimes there is nothing left in the right side and nothing right in the left side.
Post-Op RNY 6.5 years
HW 252 GW 140 CW 140
Yes, I think that is what I'm going to call you now! I LOVE being an aunt.....but then again, I'm not a mother so my nieces ARE my kids.
Thank you for calling me as I was driving home from my visit up north WITH my youngest niece to let me know the exciting news.
By the time I had staples removed after the 5 hour drive I was exhausted....but still had nails done and went grocery shopping THEN collapsed.
You are on my mind and in my prayers for a safe journey with Leah to see Piper Renee and her mommie (along with all the other attending family LOL).