Question about crunches
I've been back at the gym trying to lose the 15 pounds I've put back on since 12/04. I've been doing about 100 crunches a day - why is my abdomen getting bigger instead of smaller? It doesn't make sense. I've been back at the gym about three weeks now doing 45 minutes of cardio 5 days a week and light weights 2 - cruches everyday. Any input?
Hi, Candy. When I had a trainer back at the beginning of my weight loss, he said doing any more than 25 crunches isn't good. He said after that you just make that muscle really big and hard and it's worse than not doing crunches. I don't know anything about any of that stuff - but that's what I was told! Good luck!!
Crunches are a fabulous exercise for the abdonmen. However, you cannot *spot* reduce. You can tone while taking the weight off. For the previous poster I am puzzled. Core exercises along with back are essentially for good muscle tone. Some will always have problems with belly fat (yes I am going to mention the dreaded cortisol). For some, the belly will never go away. Remember when working your abs to also incorporate obliques and back. We have this huge intricate system and it works together.
I agree with Vi - I have a friend who is a body builder and she has the most fabulous abs!!! I asked her how she got them and she said "alot of hard work" - but her routine does NOT include crunches! She said she had a ruptured disk in her neck a few years ago and the chiropractor told her that crunches are the worst! They make you put un-necessary strain on your neck. Instead she does the "bicycle" - lay on your back, bend your knees and pretend to be pedalling a bike. Another excersise she does - again laying on your back, hands behind your head, bring up one knee to the opposite elbow and then repeat the other side. An excersise ball is great to do reverse sit ups - lay tummy down on the ball (get your balance!) hands behind your head and curl back. Another excersise she does on the ball - which took alot of practice getting the right balance - is to sit on the ball next to a weight bench, then roll down till you are laying on your back, reach over your head to grab the sides of the weight bench, then lift your legs - very impressive to watch! You can also do this by just laying on the floor - it does not isolate the muscles as well, but is much safer!
Oh - and she does not count how many repetitions of each excersise she does - she just does it for ONE HOUR!
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