My 1st Tattoo!
Well, I finally did it! Jim and I have both wanted one for some time now and we both did it over the weekend! I posted pics on my profile if you wanna check it out~its a cross (on my arm) with a vine that has both of my sons initials (DJB) woven into it. I LOVE IT! I posted a pic of Jim's too~he has DJB running up/down &side/side and my name and love wrapped around the cross~I LOVE HIS too!!!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
WOW! Its awesome Tracy! I LOVE how they wove your sons' initials into it - very cool. Congrats on no longer being a "virgin." LOL Watch out though - they're addictive!!

~Tiffany 266 preop/160 current
"A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What one can be, one must be." ~Abraham Maslow
What neat tattoo's, I can see why you are pleased with them! Last year I went with my 21 year old son to get his tattoo finished , I'm not one to be very spontaneous when it comes to things like that I want to think it over and make sure I'm making the right decision but I thought what to heck you only live once and I got a tattoo right then and there. I got it on my ankle and I have never been sorry. I also want to let you know I enjoy reading your posts, you are an inspiration to me!!
Have a great day!