? 4 VSG Graduates..........

Well, let's see if I can answer your questions....... Yes, I would do the RNY again, it's worked great for me thus far. yes, I would re-do it again in a heart beat but hope I never have to:-) Head hunger is tough but I find ways to distract myself and soon it's forgotten. I also make sure that it's truly HEAD hunger and not mild dehydration or real hunger. I still log everything I eat/drink.
I feel that support is very important to a point.......the rest of it you have to find within yourself. You gotta know why you're doing the surgery and for who? If not yourself then you're doing it for the wrong reason, IMO. Belief in a higher power really helps me feel supported too.
Yup, still eating mostly protein.
I have lost about 80% of my weight. I have 35 lbs to go to meet my personal goal.
I lost approximately 15 lbs a month the first 8-9 months, then it slowed to abot ten. Lately it's been more about 5 lbs though.
Prep before hand is good, journalling thru your feelings so you can go back and read them to see your pattern afterwards is priceless though:-) It's helped me tremendously. good luck to you:-)
Carol j

Q, looks like you are asking about the VSG procedure. Might want to go to the forum for VSG, there are alot of old-timeres there that can give you more info.
I'm only a month out, so I can't answer all your questions, but so far I'd not change anything. I really don't feel hungry, which makes it difficult to eat from time to time, but I get most of my protien in by foods so dont' need the protein supplements as much.
I've lost 29 lbs this first 4 weeks. Good luck to you!