sometimes it's the little things
Trimmed my toenails today, I remember when that was quite the chore!
Other things I'm thankful for:
Tying my shoes
Washing my back
Changing the cat's litter box
Being able to work all day and not come home with extreme foot/back pain
I try to appreciate the little things that are now a joy to do that used to be difficult.
How about you?

A big BOO YEAH! back at ya. I find that I think about those little things each day and appreciate them, LOVE them, and am thankful for them every day. At 13 months out, I hope that I don't forget these things and stop appreciating them. Every day at work when I walk up the stairs between floors, I think WOW I can do this, I LOVE doing this and remember that a year ago it would have killed me. I don't ever want to forget that a year ago I couldn't go up stairs without being winded, I couldn't ride a bike, (haven't riden a bike since I was a kid), that I couldn't last year go out and just walk and ENJOY it! That I couldn't bend over to pick something up without dreading it, that I could hardly breath in the cold night air, that I couldn't buy clothes in any store, in the regular size area, it just goes on and on. The things we can do now is amazing! I used to think that it couldn't be that easy for "skinny" people, that they had to get tired walking or doing this or that. But I find now that it's not hard, it's just normal, natural. Life is good. So again. BOO YEAH!!!!! back at ya.
Love being able to--
paint my toenails
get back up from the floor (when playing w/ grandsons) without having to first crawl over to a chair to hoist myself up
towel off after a shower without getting sweaty
sit anywhere in any kind of seat/chair (as opposed to the horror of a room full of folding chairs)
wear any kind of pretty shoes I want
clean house in a normal way without having to take frequent breaks just to sit
cross my legs (and while thinking of legs . . . shave my legs without difficulty)
exercise (well, OK, this is cheating--I actually hate to exercise, but I am so amazed and proud that I"ve exercised faithfully ever since my surgery over 2 1/2 yrs. ago!)
I have many, many more--but these are just a few that easily come to mind!
I am thankful for:
being able to cross my legs again;
no more tossing and turning thru the night;
being able to run;
being able to wear a clothes size which is easy to find;
losing a bit of my hair post-op and having it come back in much much thicker and shinier;
being able to sit with my feet touching the floor (adds new meaning to "butt lift")
being able to see my feet when I stand
feeling healthy and strong
sharing clothes with my daughters!
and many many more!!!
im really thankful for:
being able to put my own shoes on
tie my own shoes
take a shower standing up without having to sit on edge of tub.
wipe my own bumb without trouble.
walk instead of having to use a riding cart.
not haviing to wear a c pap maching anymore.
not having asthma anymore.
being off all depression meds.
being off tons of meds.
being able to buy clothes at reg stores.
being able to be more intamate with my husband.
the list could go on and on.
thankyou for reminding me to look at the bright side of things. Sheila
sheekalala / sheila
5'5"- Start: 378- Dr's Goal:200- My Goal: 150- Current: 148
Every day I'm happy that every move is more natural and not such an effort. To add to so many things the other posters mentioned that I too am grateful for....
feeling comfortable in clothes and like how I look
having clothes that fit, not just covering my body
no longer being the largest person in the room
not having to defend my worth because of my size
participating in life again!
being sweat free during normal activities
walking and talking at the same time
I'm so appreciative of a second chance at health.
I like being able to wrap a normal sized towel all the way around my body.
This week we've been stripping wallpaper and painting our kitchen. I never could have done all the up and down and physical labor before!
Not having to worry about whether or not I will fit in any given seat (at school, concerts, trains, restaurants, wherever). I actually still find myself scoping out the seats when I go out.
Being able to zip up knee length boots!
There's so many more. I take some of them for granted nowadays.
Start: 281 Low: 123 Now: 139