Update on Mayo
I went to Mayo Clinic the end of March for the hypoglycemia and also was evaluated for macular changes. The eye doc said I had macular degeneration. So I saw someone here at home. He said that yes, I do have changes but saying I macular degeneration is like saying someone whose blood pressure is 120/84 has hypertension. So, I guess at this point in time, I don't have MD! :jump: That is such good news!
Regarding the hypoglcemia - for those of you who are having problems, you need to find a good endocrinologist and have this evaluated. If you have NIPHS, it won't go away. It will continue to progress. It isn't the way you are eating or not eating. It's your pancreas doing it all on it's own. I can only eat eggs, cottage cheese, protein bars and shakes without having drops in my blood sugars. That's pretty limited. It's a little better when I take precose, but I'm not tolerating it very well.
I got thru the wedding this past weekend and now need to get thru vacation next week. Then I will consider surgery.
Hi Shirl,
My symptoms started last summer as classic hypoglycemia symptoms - flushing, shakes, dizziness, fatigue, mental slowness (for a lack of anyother word). It usually started about 1 1/2 - 2 hours after I ate.
If it's happening right after you eat, I doubt it's NIPHS. It almost sounds like dumping. Have you talked to your surgeon about it? I wonder if food is passing thru your pouch too quickly and into your intestines. Does it happen with all sorts of foods or only certain ones?
For me, if it has any carbs, I will have symptoms. How many carbs and the type will determine how severe the reaction is. But sometimes, it will be on foods like hamburger. I have a great deal of touble predicting what is going to do it. Right now, about the only things I can eat without a problem are eggs, cottage cheese, protein bars and shakes. Anything else is a crapshoot.
I would talk to my surgeon and let him know what's going on. Insist that he check things out.
Good morning Lyn!
Long time no chat. I am slowly trying to get back to posting and stuff. Great news about the MD, that would have been the last thing you needed. Also great hearing the wedding went off without a hitch.......was it hard for you? I know you like her....but he's your baby! Good luck on the vacation, hopefully your sugars don't give to hard a time. Are you done with Mayo now, or will you have to go back there if you decide on the surgery??? I love going to Rochester shopping
we always went there growing up, it was closer that any of the big cities in Iowa plus no tax on clothes
. All is well up here......bracing for summmer.....with all the soccer and swimming, and birthdays.....summer for us is super busy (but a lot of fun) ......hopefully we will make it down your way a time or two and I will let you know........I need some good retail therapy!!!! Shopping up here is junk! I get a vacation without hubby and kids (first time in almost 9 years) but not until September....so I am just plugging along doing the same ole' stuff. Hope the vacation goes well and talk to you soon.... Take Care

Hey Jesi!
Good to see you on the board!
Nope the wedding wasn't hard for me at all. We love Cristen and we've gained a daughter and 2 granddaughters, not lost a son. She is great for Chad. She's really settled him down. Actually, she is a lot like me. I guess that's quite a compliment from my son, for him to choose a wife like his mom. I did really good all thru the rehearsal, pictures, and ceremony. Didn't cry. But I really lost it during the mother-son dance. The song was about how a mother lets go as her son grows up and marries. That really got to me. But they were happy tears.
As far as Mayo, yes, I will go back there for surgery. It's pretty specialized and needs to be done by someone who does it a lot. The test I need b4 surgery is only done in just a few places, Mayo being the leader.
If you get down this way or half way, give me a holler, and maybe we can meet. I do love to shop so that wouldn't be a hardship! :lol:
Thanks so much for posting this. I've been having blood sugar problems. They try to tell me it's just dumping, but it happnes hours after I eat, and I never know what's gonna cause it. For example, tonight I ate a piece of country fried deer steak. 2 hours later I was dropping fast. I have blacked out before. It's very frustrating. I understand it really could just be dumping syndrome, but I was having these symptoms before surgery... for years. My PCP told me I "could" have reactive hypoglycemia, but that it was hard to diagnose and left it at... "jus****ch what you eat." DUH. Anyway, this gives me something to think about, and research a little bit. I currently test my bloodsugars fairly frequently. They jump to 300+ after I eat. Even just a regular meal. Heaven forbid I eat any carbs. (which I know are bad for me anyway). But just a little rice and I'm in big trouble. Know what I mean?
Anyway... I've rambled enough. Thanks for keeping us "in the know"