Re-commiting to goals?
On May 25th I will be two years post op. I had gastric bypass surgery May 25, 2005. It saved my life. I have lost 175 pounds and have totally changed my life. Throughout my journey I have never lost sight of the goals I had set for myself. Pre op I visualized what I wanted and how I would get there. This "story boarding" worked for me until now. I always had a memory, vision of what I wanted to be. NOW I want to lose the last 25 pounds but I have no memory of being smaller. I am in uncharted territory. I don't really remember being this size in my adult life...I am very happy with what I have achieved and where I am but I really want to lose the last 25 pounds before I start my journey to remove all this horrible extra skin. I can see myself grazing and making some questionable food choices at times. I am so close to where I want to be...I feel like at times I set myself up for failure...why do we do this to ourselves when we are out of our comfort zone? I have an appointment with the therapist and nutritionist May 15...I am hoping this will put me back on track and regain my focus. I have not gained any weight but this is my biggest fear...Thank you for listening and your support!
Shaun: It's really hard to keep CONSTANTLY vigilant and focused - on anything, I think. There are a few people who are able to do this, but I think for the majority of us, we just have to keep plugging along, and do the best we can. It sounds to me like you have done great and your decision to see the nutritionist and therapist is exactly what you should be doing for yourself right now. You're seeking out the help you know that you may need, and that's a wonderful thing. We all need help at times, and it's best to seek it out and not put it off (I'm guilty of that myself). So I admire your determination and willingness to do whatever it takes to keep your weight off, and hopefully lose a little more. Best wishes to you! Carlita