for those who have gained back weight....

Life is too short to eat lousy food!
Hugs and Fleece Blankets
Hi, Karen. I think for me it was that I never really changed my habits in the first place, to establish new and better ones. I basically was working on the restriction and malabsorption that we all have. When I could start eating more normally, I did. So that means I just began eating pretty much the same way I always have, except in smaller portions. I have never dumped, except a little on ice cream, which I now avoid 99% of the time. I think you are wise to examine these issues and get control while you still have the opportunity. My lack of attention to these details caused me to regain from my low weight of 162 back to about 188 right now. I have managed, through exercise and a little more attention to what's going in my mouth, to keep from gaining any more. I have been stable at this weight for several months now.
I am more than willing to take the blame for my mistakes, but I will add that everything I ever read about gastric bypass surgery indicated that patients should expect a bounce-back gain of about 10% of weight lost once they reach their lowest weight. I don't know if this is because the "experts" know we return to bad habits, or if this is just a common occurrence that cannot be prevented by any means. So I will excuse myself from the blame for 10% of the weight I regained (10 pounds)!! I'm completely responsible for the other 16 pounds.
Aside from making poor food choices too often, I think I do tend to graze much more now. I can't eat a lot at one time, but I can eat a lot at a lot of times, and that's not a good thing. Some people are lucky, I think, in that they lose interest in food after WLS, and can't eat certain things, or they dump on sugar (wish I did). I always had a "cast-iron" stomach, though, and now I guess I have a cast-iron pouch, unfortunately. Long story short, you're thinking is definitely in the right place. Exercise, continue to follow the rules, minimize sugar and carbs, drink plenty of water (not with meals though), and try to follow a healthy eating pattern. Gee, this sounds so easy when I see it in writing here! LOL Best wishes, Carlita