OK ... I guess I'm going through with it ... (maybe?)
OK ... I'm "scheduled" to have my gallbladder out tomorrow. I haven't cancelled ... YET. I just don't want to do surgery ... I'm also giving up my crutch (for the past 1-1/2 years the pain when I eat has curbed my eating, and I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself). I've had this scheduled 4 times and cancelled each time, but I've gotten further this time ... I had the preop testing done.
I don't know why I'm being such a chicken-sxxt, but I really hate the thought of surgery (especially because I feel fine NOW
Just smack me upside the head ... I do KNOW better ...
Felt good to get that out.

Karyn B, -185 lbs less than I was 5 years ago!
Never eat more than you can lift.
- Miss Piggy
Ok - time for some tough love....
Don't you dare back out of this again!! It will be far easier on you surgery wise and recovery wise to go ahead and just get it over with now. If you put it off, you risk finding yourself in excruciating pain, in the ER, having emergency surgery - maybe with a much larger incision and longer recovery time. C'mon Karen - I know you know better. This will be over before you know it. Don't play roullette with your health.
You will be in my prayers for an easy surgery and quick recovery. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

Hey Pam ... I know you're right ... actually what's really at the forefront of my NOT backing out right now is that last Saturday I was laying on the floor in a fetal position and in pain for HOURS ... if I didn't know better, I would have thought it was a heart attack ... SO, up til now its just been pain/nausea/bloating anytime I eat, but I think this kinda sealed the deal for me.
Thanks for the tough love, and I really appreciate the good thoughts.
Talk to you soon!
Karyn B, -185 lbs less than I was 5 years ago!
Never eat more than you can lift.
- Miss Piggy
I'm so glad you are going to have it taken care of. Being in so much pain that you are curled up in the fetal position is never okay. It really is for the best that you follow through.
My father just had to have his gb taken out a couple of months ago. He had dealt with gb attacks on and off and just suffered through them. But the last one made him deathly ill. I have never seen him so sick or weak in my entire life. His gb was very enlarged, he was in a LOT of pain and running a high fever. His gb had to come out NOW. So we had to wait for the surgeon, who had been in the OR since 7 that morning to finish the surgery he was in - my father went in next at 8 p.m. - that poor surgeon was WORN OUT. Luckily, my father did just fine. He was able to have it laproscopically and recovered very quickly.
I really will be thinking of you. Please come back and post to let us know how you are doing!