Discussion: Maintainance
Hi Debra ~ Thought I would throw in my two cents...and don't worry, I don't think you are being judgemental of those like me who have regained - my reaction was one of helping you to NOT become like me! I am six years out from my surgery - have gained 65 lbs from my lowest weight - never reached my goal and just this week had to have the scleroherapy procedure done....again.
I can remember coming to this site so often after surgery to post updates on my progress and being so happy to type statements like "50 pounds gone FOREVER" oooohhhh if I only knew! The only explanation that comes to mind is "Denial ain't just a river in Africa" LOL Denial is a big problem.
We all know that it was our tummies not our brains that were changed. And if we don't work to find out why we were fat in the first place - then the surgery is just a band aid. The first year or so after surgery is a dream - a lot is being done for you...nothing has stretched yet, so the amount of food is taken care of....the dumping is still strong, so you are afraid to eat the wrong thing...and the pounds are flying off...geez you can sneeze and lose 10 pounds! You are feeling great, looking great and forgetting what it was like to be fat... I have always weighed myself everyday...sometimes this worked for me, sometimes it worked against me. At first, when I would be a pound or two up - it would motivate me to get back on the program - watch what I ate and exercise regularly. Then it started working against me...when I thought I had been good, got on the scale and it hadn't changed or had gone up a pound...I would get so defeated - Gosh why am I killing myself!?! It didn't make a difference anyway....where are my twinkies? After two years is when it started to get away from me - the surgery started to fail, or more correct, I started to fail the surgery. I got into the bad habit of drinking with my meals...actually taking a gulp of something after each bite. So now I was eating way more than I should have. This also dulls the dumping syndrome....all of a sudden a peice of chocolate cake isn't going to give you the shaky sweats when you washed it down with a diet coke! And for me, what was further keeping my head in the sand... I kept saying to myself "Hey, I still look pretty good...better than 300lbs looked" Denial, denial, denial. So before this post turns into a novel....what I am doing to try and turn it around - the sclerotherapy is working ( yes it's only been 5 days) - I have decided to make the most of it and turn my diet back to what it was in the first weeks after surgery - liquid/puree diet and no drinking when I eat! I have lost 7 pounds, so that feels great and I hope to build on that momentum. Also, I have started seeing a therapist - and this I think is even more important in my "recovery" than the sclerotheapy - I am determined to find out what the hole in me is that I am trying to fill with food! I hope this helps - thanks for posting this question - I know it will cause all of us, no matter how many years from surgery and how many pounds gained/lost, to think about what we are doing! Take care!

pre / lowest/ current
Heather 23, Alex 17, Jacob 17, Caden 5
Samantha: Our heavenly Angel. Born still at 36 weeks. 4/12/06
on 4/6/07 4:47 am

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery 9/25/2002 260/134
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