Hey Pam ... I can relate to that ... since August of 2005 I've been experiencing unexplained abdominal pain ... I went to my bariatric surgeon in that October, who was very casual about it (a sharp pain after eating that would move to just above my belly button on the LEFT side, then dull a little and move more toward the right ... followed by 2-3 hours of nausea and bloating). He said well, we "COULD" do this or that ... but I wasn't convinced it was something we "SHOULD" do. I was put on Nexium for this (by a different doc, not the surgeon).
In January of 2006, I did end up going to the gastroenterologist (who works with my surgeon). I asked him if this could be my gallbladder ... he said "no, gallbladders are my specialty, and thats not what this is" ... we did a CT scan, small bowel xray series and an endoscopy. Nothing. I then asked him if this could just all be "in my head" ... he went off on me. Just YELLED. "THAT'S NOT MY SPECIALTY, THAT'S NOT WHAT I DO ... BESIDES THAT'S YOUR FIELD, DEALING WITH PEOPLE'S HEADS" (obviously having me mistaken for someone else, because that's NOT what I do) ... and he said "BESIDES, YOU MADE THIS URGENT APPOINTMENT TO SEE ME" (ummm, no ... the orders after the endoscopy were to follow up with him 2 weeks after, and that's exactly what I did). Anyway, I contacted his nurse after this to see what would be next, and she said she'd talk to him on Wednesday and get back to me. Well, I'm still waiting for that call. Since last February (2006).
In April, I saw a GP associated with another hospital for another issue (follow-up from a dog bite) ... he asked me how I was doing "otherwise" ... and I told him exactly what I told my surgeon and gastroenterologist. He said "I'll bet its your gallbladder" ... I said, "no, no, no ... the gastroenterologist, who specializes in that said its not" ... he ordered a HIDASCAN. Sure enough, my gallbladder is dysfuntional. I had the results sent to the other hospital, and I got a call from my surgeon's office saying, "we understand you have a problem with your gallbladder, the surgeon would like to see you". Sure, now.
I think I was just SO angry that I didn't want to see ANYONE anymore. The GP associated with this other hospital referred me to the surgeon there (which I would have really preferred MY surgeon do this), that's why I think its taken so long for me to make the decision to have this done (not to mention the GP has constantly followed up with me and encouraged me to do this ... despite my intense fears). If I don't cancel (again), I'm scheduled for surgery next Friday.
I feel that I'm going through the same casualness with the doctors working with me on my hypoglycemia. I'm kind of surprised that the endos haven't even been interested in recent labwork (haven't had a full set of labs since January 2006). I have had seizures from blood sugars dipping to 23.
I just want to give up. Maybe I AM making all this up? I'm just tired. Very very tired.
Karyn B, -185 lbs less than I was 5 years ago!
Never eat more than you can lift.
- Miss Piggy