~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
Hey gang!!
Okay - here's my take on the caffeine issue:
You just try to take my caffeine away from me and I'm going to go postal on somebody! With that said, here is what my surgeon has to say on the matter:
Caffeine is a stimulant and as with other stimulants, it affects everyone differently. For the most part, caffeine acts as a diuretic; therefore, he recommends that for every 8oz of caffeine you drink, you should double your water intake - 16oz. As a stimulant, it can possibly trigger your appetite - especially if you add lots of sweet stuff to it, triggering your carb sensitivity. If you have weight gain as a result of the sweet coffees, cut back gradually and try to shoot for black coffee, chasing it with the recommended amount of water. The weight gain could either be caused by the extra calories in the sweetner or the stimulated appetite.
No matter what, I believe that moderation is the key to everything, and for me, the same goes for coffee. I am not excessive about it, but I am OBSESSIVE about the amount I allow myself to have each day!
Now - pass me the coffee pot!!!!
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes