need advice
Hi everyone, My name is Susan. I rarely post but I read your posts on a daily basis. I had rny on 11/29/04 and have lost 140 lbs. I would like to lose about 10 more. Here is my problem. For the past few weeks my stomach and intestines just feel sore. I am not constipated just normal. More than the usual amount of gas. Using alot of gas-x. I thought it was a stomach virus. I have to be very nice to my gut or by evening I am very bloated and have alot of abdominal discomfort. I keep giving it a few more days to resolve on its own before I call the doc. Any advice would be appreciated. thanks, Susan
Hey Susan!
You didn't mention whether or not you have changed your food choices in any way during this time frame that you have been feeling badly. Did you increase or decrease anything, or have you had more than normal amounts of something that would upset your system, such as sugar alcohols?
Have you tried tracking your food intake to determine if there is a particular item or time of day that triggers your symtoms, or is it everything that seems to cause the problem?
I would recommend a trip to the doctor, just to have things checked out, but going in with a food journal may just give him/her some additional information to go on.
I hope you feel better soon. Keep in touch with us to let us know what you find out!!

Hi Kristi, thanks for your reply. I have not been eating as much as usual . Partly because my appetite is down and partly partly because I am really thinking about what I put in my mouth and the effect it will possibly have. I have had a protein shake , 1/2 a peanut butter sandwich and about 4 oz. of chickhen, and one of those 100cal snack pouches. Not alot but I will eat some more later. Alot of rumblings going on since the chickhen. I try to stay away from the sugar alcohols as in sf candy. That will get me for quite a few days. I've tried it a few times. Slow learner. I started keeping a food journal 2 days ago. So if I decide to go in I will have something to show Dr. Sorry this is so long. Thanks, Susan
I agree with all the previous posters.
But most of all have you changed anything you have been eating...
Stay away from thos1 100 cal snacks I find I get lots of gas from them.
That nasty stomach virus that is going around could be it too... I don't know why but I agree with the previous poster we don't seem to get the same symptoms as others.
I really don't like the anti gas products they make me feel worse, just a suggestion.
Hope you are feeling better soon.. but if this last for more than a week.. see a doc.... maybe they can make another suggestion.