I hope everything went well with your surgery! Please post and let us know how you made out. I am also curious about what they did because I have a hernia and it sounds like it is in the same spot and am putting off having it repaired because I just don't want to go through surgery again right now.
Take Care and keep us updated.
Hi Dawn,
I hope you are doing well after your surgery. Check in and let us know.
I just had surgery a week ago today. Turns out I had an internal hernia and adhesions causing a partial obstruction and an inflamed appendix. I have a pretty large incision - twice the length of my gastric bypass incision.
I've been pretty down in the dumps about having to go through it. I've been dealing with on and off symptoms for months and every time I went to the doctors, they said nothing was wrong with me. The last episode landed me in the ER doubled over with no relief - even with morephine and doladid (not sure about that spelling) - anyway - they too said nothing was wrong with me!! I got a copy of the CT with gastrograffin and dye - and it showed intussusception of the small bowel. I took all of my test reports, X-rays, Sono's, and CT scans to my Bariatric surgeon (2 1/2 hours away) and he admitted me on the spot and operated the next morning. Thankfully, he inspected each section of bowel for tissue damage/death and there was none - so I did not end up losing any bowel. That was a huge relief.
I wasn't as scared going into this surgery as I was with the gastric bypass - but AFTER surgery I think I was more scared during the recovery of this surgery. I'm not really sure why. Maybe the large incision - maybe because I can't afford to loose anymore weight - maybe fear of having to do this again - I don't know - maybe all of it. But so far, I seem to be doing well. I'm moving around okay, the pipes are working and today is my first day without any pain medication and I'm okay.
Hope all is well with you. Sending great big healing wishes your way.