UPDATE!! Stoma too large - Endoscope Monday!

on 3/31/07 2:19 am
Hey Nicole! I'm sorry to hear about your situation, but so very glad that you are on the road to determining the problems and rectifying the situation! Please keep us informed of your progress, as I know that many here share the same concerns about whether or not our pouches are still surgically intact! Question: Aside from the Dope & Scope to physically determine the cause of your weight gain, were there signs BEFORE this procedure? In other words - what were your food choices like when you started the weight gain? Were your choices still healthy, yet you were constantly hungry because food wasn't staying with you?
I've done the "Cottage Cheese Test" on myself in the past and have determined that my pouch will hold approximately 8-10 oz of (soft) food at a time; however, I've never really determined HOW LONG I remain "full" following a meal. There are times that I can eat a meal and an hour later feel as though I can eat another full meal, but I have always attibuted that to "head hunger".
I'm almost 4 years post-op, never reached goal and about two years ago, slowly began gaining some weight back. I'm at the point that it's manageable to get under control, but I'm scared that my pouch might be stretched and I'm facing the same issues you are. The worst part is that I'm TERRIFIED to find out the truth!!!
Please keep us informed of what you find out!