Disappearing Grads?
Oh for christs sake..
If you all think this is a GLITCH on OH's part..then please..do not even read the rest of this message
THIS has nothing to do with a glitch..people liek Lei, Jane, Tink, DEEDEE were removed because they didnt like what moderation policies were going on...period!
I've been here since OH was started...
At some point the grads need to stand up for what is right and not what is right to keep them here...
If people dont do or follow what OH or amy and ruth think they should they are banned..plain and simple.
Go ahead..ban me..you'll only be banning ONE of my identities..you will NEVER find or be able to keep me off these boards......period..
Knock yourself out..
Either you stand up for what is right or you keep quiet in order to belong...the choice is up to you.
6 year postop almost..7/2001
I'm not here often enough I guess to really contribute intelligently but how does "accidentally" happen?
I've had some "accidental" things happen to my posts and such before and was amazed at how the "accidentally" corrected themselves.
Accidents do happen.
I must go before I have an accident.
"Go sell crazy somewhere else; we're all stocked up here."
I am still here. I generally am on the main board, June 2005 board and the plastic surgery board!
I had multiple plastic surgery procedures in the past 3 months and have been recuperating from them. My last ones were 2 weeks ago today.
My 2 year anniversary is coming up on June 8th. I can't believe that it is here.
Thanks for remembering me. How sweet!