I haven't posted in admittedly a long time, but I do lurk in the shadows. :) There is just something about this place that keeps me coming back and today I realized why I do indeed rely on this board even being over year post-op.
This morning I truly believed I may need to go to the ER, I woke up at 5:30 having the most severe pain in my abdominal area, behind my belly button. I was terribly scared, and doubled over in agony. I really did not have a clue what was happening. I have never experienced this severe pain, even right after surgery, I have been blessed. Well...my body gave me a wake up call and a half....lol!
I came on here and just read and researched other's similiar symptoms (like I have done in previous times, haha), and what others were experiencing, and THANK GOODNESS for all of you!!! Cause in my terrible agony, I read that the symptoms I was having were really in direct connection to those of you who were having bad gas pains in your lower abdominal area. And after reading the similarities and your advice for relief, it was like instant uplifting and off to a very hot shower I went.... That hot shower I swear was my savior today, haha. I went to put my comfy pants on after my shower and bent over just a bit and WHOA momma! Out came the gas bubble, can I even express the relief?!?! LOL, you would have thought I won a big prize, haha.
I have to admit I am a little nervous because Heck am I soar in my tummy area! I seriously didn't think Gas could feel that terrible.....
I am sitting here sipping some hot Tea (Lipton's Vanilla Caramel Truffle is amazing and sooo soothing btw!) but I feel 300% better....*phew*
Thanks to you my obesityhelp family, don't know what I would do without ya!!!!
Love ya'll
272/168/158!! (below surgeon's goal!!) Woot Woot!