Low Blood Sugar
Worry looks around, Sorry looks back, Faith looks UP...
Cathy Alphin
OH Certified Support Group Leader & Coach
Orlando, FL
There is a syndrome that they are just now recognizing. It's called Noninsulinoma pancreautogenous hypoglycemic syndrome or NIPHS for short. It's found in gastric bypass patients. The beta cells of the pancreas go nuts and just make to much insulin. And they do it with inappropriate foods at times, like a salad or hamburger. This is a very serious thing. You can NOT control this by diet if you have it. It seems to be showing up around the 2 year mark. Fasting blood sugars are normal and 2 hour sugars are in the bottom of the barrel. If they draw an insulin, proinsulin, and c-peptide, fasting will be normal and 2 hour will be elevated if you have NIPHS. If you have a documented low sugar, you should be evaluated by an endocrinologist. True hypoglycemia is exceedingly rare. This is even rarer. But I'm guessing, it's more common than anyone knows, just undiagnosed. I'm being evaluated at Mayo this next week for this. My local endo says I have it. We'll see what Mayo says. I am currently on Precose 25 mg three times a day. It inhibits the absorption of sugar in the gut so the lows aren't so low. But a lot of times, it doesn't matter what I eat or what I don't eat. I've been as low as 38 in the doctor's office. My endo says this is progressive and the drugs won't work forever. I've been on it for a month and already I'm starting to have episodes again. Even tho I eat correctly. I have a paper I found written by Dr. F. John Service at Mayo, whom I'll be seeing that really is good at explaining it and the steps needed to diagnose NIPHS. If anyone wants it, email me with your email addy and I'll forward it to you. This isn't something to mess around with. I know of people who are passing out because their sugars are so low. Be proactive about this. Most PCPs haven't heard about this. Have me email you the article to take with you. Or google on NIPHS.
Karyn B, -185 lbs less than I was 5 years ago!
Never eat more than you can lift.
- Miss Piggy