Tummy tuck????
Miles City, MT

Hi! I just had a tummy tuck with muscle repair, as well as a breast lift, on January 10. The incision itself was not painful, and believe it or not, the breasts didn't even really hurt. What hurt like #*@! was the muscle repair. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, but let me tell you, that was something else. I had had a c-section with my twins with complications, and that was NOTHING compared to this! I think that if you are simply having the TT, I'm sure it is painful and recovery is hard, but when they mess with the muscle.......oh boy. Now.....I only had 5 days "off" from my life, after that it was back to taking care of my 5 y/o twins, running them to school, playdates etc. My words of wisdom are DON'T OVERDO IT!!!! You will swell and be hunched over if you do (actually, you will swell and be hunched over even if you don't, but it is worse if you do overdo it!) Luckily, the time goes by pretty quickly, and when you start seeing your new tummy, it will all be worth it. Also, the pain is managable, with the exception of coughing and trying to get out of bed (I didn't do a recliner at all, so I struggled with the ins and outs of our bed). Also be aware that as with all major surgeries, there may be a time shortly after surgery that you will get the "blues". It does go away, and you will start to feel human again....mentally and physically. I love my new tummy and perky breasts (even with the scars), but now I am up 8 pounds......all of which went into my butt and thighs! I went from a size 12 to wearing stretch pants.....I can barely squeeze into a size 14! You really have to be pretty sedentary for several weeks...short walks, but nothing strenuous, and, you will swell for up to a year, and that is normal. There is another site that has a message board for TT called tuckthattummy.com, and I have gotten a lot of advice and info from the gals there. Best of luck, and take it easy!!