stretching pouch
Hi! I had wls on 2/17/2004. so I am 3 years out. WOW! That seems really strange to say. I originally weighed 266 and lost 77 pounds. Then one year out I had hernia repair surgery and for some reason started gaining back slowly. Two years out I had triple bypass surgery on my heart. Guess what? That surgery seemed to trigger more weight gain....FAST!! Three more stays in the hospital, a broken wrist,elbow,foot and ribs (no exercising for 3 months it took to heal broken bones)and I gained even more. The thing is I really didn't THINK I was eating badly.I tried Atkins with my daughter when I reached 240 again. After 2 weeks on that I realized jut how much I had been eating the past year or so. Lots more than I used to be capable of. And quite easily most of the time. An occcasional episode of dumping if I ate too fast or ate fast food or too much sugar. I also lost my best friend, my mother, just 6 weeks after the heart surgery and went spinning into a cycle of depression and sleeplessness. Ended up on Xanax, Zoloft, and Wellbutrin and back on insulin(I'm diabetic) amd feeling like the walking dead most of the time. My family got tired of hearing me complain and I feel they thought I was imagining most of the symptoms that were bothering me.THEN had a pregnancy scare (I'm 50 but doctors have told me my ovaries and eggs are still able to reproduce). Just found out 3 days ago that my thyroid levels are really low so that explains about 99% of my symptoms for the past year. What a relief to finally have a name for my condition and there is medicine for it. My question is , have any of you gained nearly all of your weight back and been diagnosed with hypothyroidism? If so, how have you been doing and is it possible to lose those 50 pounds again? I swore I would not be one of those who gained back the weight after going through so much to lose it. Oh, by the way , an underactive thyroid causes weight gain and my doctor, not wls doctor, says that is why I have gained this weight. Hypothyroidism can be brought on by surgery, stress, illness.....all of which I went through in 2006. Well, I almost embarassed to post this because it is so long. Can anyone relate or give me some feedback? Thanks so much.