Plastic surgery without surgery?
OK, I'm 15 months out, and want to lose about 20 more pounds. No plastic surgery for me any time soon, so I'm looking for some support (you know what I mean! ) ;-)
Any recommendations for AFFORDABLE undergarb that will hold me in from below my boobs to my bum without squeezing me to death? That's easy to get into and out of because all the water I drink makes me visit the ladies' room on a far too frequent basis? That is comfortable?
Or should I add that to my list of mythical things to find after I find the Holy Grail?
Good luck with that!
I just got a Flexees thingy, just for my belly (below the boobs to belt line) because of the frequent runs to the RR. I usually only use it for dressing up and it acts as a back support at the same time. I think I got it at JC Penny, $30+. It's like a girdle, and has a hundred (exageration) hooks, but it does a great job keeping my 'apron' hidden! Sometimes when my back is aching I will put it on for the day & the plus of a flat tummy for the day. Upside? Don't have to take if off every time I go potty. Downside? Can't wait to take the thing off!
I'm looking into PS next winter.
Lisa, depending on how much support you want, I've bought a couple of the Spanx that work pretty good, not as tight as a compression garment. I bought mine off of ebay at a better price than I could get off of the spanx site. I've heard several that like the lipoinabox, I can't help, never tried these.
I just bought a compression garment for my upcoming plastics from Now these definitely hold things in :).
Good luck!

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
I have two of the slim n' lift supreme's. They do exactly what you are referring to!! I LOVE them!