Has anyone had these problems as a post op?
Surgery August 30, 2004
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle
Hello,I had surgery December 5,2006.Ours must have been close. I have lost 60.5 pounds but still have 70 to go. I just now am getting some appetite back. I try to eat just at meals but can't eat much when I have more than one thing to eat.
How is your weight loss going.I live in Michigan and will probably loose faster when I can get outside again,can't wait.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
Thanks for your post. I actually read a ton about this a couple weeks ago. It's one of the things I hope to bring up with the surgeon. It seems to make a lot of sense from what I read and it seems to be one of those things that is happening more and more often. I got a blood sugar monitor like one of the articles recommended to keep track of the levels right before I eat and two hours after and right in the middle of one of these attacks. So far, I haven't remembered to take the monitor in with me to the bathroom while having an episode, but I do have before and after numbers to show the doctor. I hope it helps them some. I found a great article online today about dumping in general but about both early and late dumping after all sorts of gastric surgeries. Really interesting stuff. There are a couple of medicines that they use for folks who dump all the time so that they don't get more malnurishioned than they should. Looks promising as well.
It sounds like dumping even though the episodes are hitting later than usual. I don't dump on sugar :-( but I dump on high carbs and/or high fat foods or meals. I also developed lactoase intolerance about 4-6 months post-op. Try eliminating / changing what you're eating to reduce or eliminate lactose / carbs / fats (one at a time, of course) and see if your condition improves. Good luck! Vickie J.
Vickie J.
"Most dreams are lost by giving up what we want most for what we want at the moment."