update on diabetes
I posted a couple days ago about having diabetic symptoms and an AIC of 5.9. Thanks to all *****plied! I still haven't heard back from my doctor--pretty steamed about that! I just read in a diabetes for dummies book that anemia affects the A1C test. Your tests come out lower than they should depending on how anemic you are. Well...my ferritin test in January was 4 and it came up to 6.5 in February after switching iron supplements. I'd say I was pretty anemic. I have been cutting out my carbs and am no longer having bad hypoglycimic episodes bu my sugar is hanging out in the 70's and 80's. Boy, I'd like to hear from my doc soon!!!
Thanks for your help,
Your ferritin is dangerously low. I now see a Hematologist for my post-op anemia issues. She said that I will have IV Iron infusions whenever my ferritin is below 50.
Please seek treatment from another doctor. Anemia can cause many strange symptoms. I had dizziness, extreme fatigue, dry skin, hair loss, low blood pressure and shortness of breath. Still I couldn't get a proper diagnosis from regular PCP. My Hemoglobin "looked" normal at 12, but my ferritin was depleted at 10. I believe that below 12 is considered depleted ferritin. I tried several oral irons and combinations of them. My numbers still dropped. My hematologist says that I lost the area of absorption during my RNY surgery. She checks my labs every three months. (iron studies)
Please seek treatment from another doctor. Anemia can cause many strange symptoms. I had dizziness, extreme fatigue, dry skin, hair loss, low blood pressure and shortness of breath. Still I couldn't get a proper diagnosis from regular PCP. My Hemoglobin "looked" normal at 12, but my ferritin was depleted at 10. I believe that below 12 is considered depleted ferritin. I tried several oral irons and combinations of them. My numbers still dropped. My hematologist says that I lost the area of absorption during my RNY surgery. She checks my labs every three months. (iron studies)
Whoa. No one told me i was dangerously low. In fact no one seems all that concerned and pretty much told me it was my fault for not taking the right iron. I complained of fatigue, hair loss, low blood sugar and blacking out etc. to my surgeon and he said I was obviously eating the wrong things and pretty much blew me off. My gyno is the one who is the most concerned about blood sugar. Surgeon said I was dumping...Really? OFF MY NO SUGAR OATMEAL????? Can you tell I'm frustrated?
I think I'm going to go see another doctor soon.
Thanks for the advice!

Amy, based on my labs your ferritin is way low, probably to the point you should have iron infusions to bring it back up.
I suggest you get copies of all your labs, even your pre-op ones if you can and track them in a spreadsheet. You'll probably be surprised to see the changes.
I've been able to see what track my labs are going and stop the downward trends by changing up my vitamins as needed to avoid (so far) any major deficiencies. Many surgeons and PCPs don't look for trends, as long as your labs are within the ranges they don't seem to worry. You can possibly prevent deficiencies if you see what's happening before the doc will make suggested changes.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
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