I am so excited, I just got a call from my surgeon telling me that my husbands insurance has approved my surgery!!!!
I had a consultation with Dr. Lisle Wayne of Evansville about a year and a half ago. We attempted to get approval from my insurance...which of course they denied since plastic surgery is considered cosmetic....of course they have NO idea that it isn't JUST cosmetic...since my GP surgery the extra skin that hangs causes skin rashes and other problems. Having two children has also caused a hernia in my abdominal wall. Only way to fix it is through Abdominoplasty. I appealed my insurance decision and sent along a statement from my family doctor that advised the need for this surgery. They again denied it saying that they needed months of history where I had attempted treatment and failed....okay...how do you TREAT a hernia? Do I run to the doctor every time my rash breaks out? I was going to start!!!! I got married in October and was put on my husbands insurance...I called the nurses at Dr. Wayne's office and told them that I was going to send them info to run through his insurance...on my fax it said "I WILL GET INSURANCE TO PAY FOR THIS...someday...one way or another". I got a Denial in the mail 3 weeks ago! I was just getting ready to start the tedious process of appeals when I got the call from Dr. Wayne's nurse telling me that he appealed it and contacted a P2P Dr...who approved it! This doctor has gone WAY beyond the extra mile to help me with insurance. He didn't have to. He is the only surgeon in our network in this area and backlogs of people trying to get in....but he fought for me! I will be forever grateful to him!
So my surgery is scheduled for August 16th (originally set for August 9th...but I didn't want to miss my 15 year HS reunion) oh how I wish I could have it done before then....but at this point....I will take what ever I can get!!! I'm so EXCITED!!!