Things people say!

I trust you on that one, but u know the ones that are downing us usually have problems of there own.. Im really happy with my self, and im right where doc says i need to be so im really happy with that. My orginal surgern told me not to exspect to get below 200 because im a large frame woman.. so im proud to be where im at. Thanks for your support.
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
Yes, being happy with our self is what truely matters! I love the new me, I think i am some what around ur size, 5'10 and im 163. My doc didnt think i would get below 200 cuz of large frame but i worked out hard to get there. I walk and ex as offten as i can. Med reasons i have slowed down a bit. I broke my back over a yr ago and i took another fall and blow more disc out of back but i am still up moving.. I will get it back and going.. I chart food on to see how well im doing, its a great page to keep track of things on. Again ty for your kinds words they really help.