I hate my new body
I am 3 years out and 175 pounds lighter and believe me, I hated the way I looked when the clothes came off. I would try to shower in the dark because I didn't want to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. But I also suffered with rashes. I have been married to the same guy for 34 years so he loved me at 312 pounds and didn't care about all the rolls of skin. But my primary suggested to me one day as she wrote out yet another prescription for the rashes that I might want to look into at least a TT. I hesitated but I figured, what did I have to lose. Because of the documentation from my primary and a letter from the PS, my insurance covered it. I was shocked. The results were so rewarding that I have since gone through two more rounds of PS on a self pay because I felt I needed to rid myself of the morbid obese shell I had been carrying around for decades. I know it's expensive but I felt I needed to validate my weight loss success by going through with the PS. I am now finished with all of that having just completed the last round almost 5 weeks ago and I am thrilled with the results. It's not perfection.......but it's so much better than the way I used to look. I believe I still have some pics on my profile if you want to check out this old grandmom. But I know there are several ways people have been able to get PS for themselves. Some get home equity loans; some borrow against 401K's. I believe it's Capital One that has very low interest loans especially for plastic procedures. If the skin really bothers you.....don't totally dismiss plastic surgery. You may find a way to make it happen. Good luck to you in your decision. Joann
Just to let you know...this is not simply a problem for you ladies. This is also an issue that men face. I know for myself that I am not pleased with how I look. With clothes on... I look great. I am in a size 32 pant..a small shirt...etc. However, I within these clothes are flabby flabs of fat. If I had this removed... I could probably lose at least 20 more pounds. Would that make me happy? Who knows. Plastic surgery...is definitely out. I won't scar myself up...and I certainly can't afford it. I am now (after 18 months) starting to work out...so who knows what I will become. Needless to say...how we feel about ourselves...is our perception..whether right or wrong...it is us.... How do you learn to love yourself..after spending so many years..hating yourself?
Daniel Patrick Fluharty, NBCT
Be yourself, nobody can tell you that you are doing it wrong!!