I walked this morning!

"to whom is given much, much more is required"

Good for you!!!!
I know it's the hardest thing starting back exercising. I haven't done my walking for over 6 months and I now have 2 days in. I actually enjoy it once i get there (we have an indoor track at a local parks and recreation center that I walk on in the very very cold and snowy weather) I get there, but it takes me at least an hour to get my butt there.
I had gained my 10 pounds, but have lost 4 of the extra and would still like to lose about 10 more after that.
So....keep up the good work and hang in there.
Way to go, girlfriend!!!!! For me, exercise is soooooooo important in my maintenance. I've gotten to the point now where I miss it if I'm not able to do it. You'll get there! It also makes me think twice about what I eat, like---if I eat this I would have to walk three hours to burn off the calories----and usually I say, no way, I'm not eating that! Can't wait to read the post where you're in those cute clothes!! You go girll!!!! Hugs, Connie -147# PS---How's your mom doing, haven't seen her in ages!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
Hey Laina!
This is how I feel about your walking at 5 a.m.!!
I have been exercising since my surgery (2 1/2 yrs. ago), sometimes at the gym & sometimes walking outside. I have had several spans of time that it worked out better for me to go to the gym before work--which meant 5:00-6:00 a.m. Fortunately, I live very near the gym, but it is brutal for me to get up at 4:40! I am currently going after work now, and in June I'm retiring--so I will never again have to do the wee-hrs.-of-the-morning thing!
I too am battling some re-gain and am motivated by needing to get into my spring/summer clothes again! Good luck to you--we can do this!! Jo