@ 20 months - Bless this Pouch, It still Works
Well, I made it through yesterday and the Choco-call...
Then today I stopped for a latte and decided to pick up a scone to have after my coffee...I only ate 1/2 and WHOOOO, 45 minutes later I was in full blown dumping...
I've always known that I could only handle real sugar in very small doses and that has played a big part in helping me to skip the sweets on Valentines & Birthdays & Christmas & etc...Today I have another reason to be thankful for the pouch, all it takes is feeling like do-do for a couple of hours to remind me why sugar and carbs are not a good thing for my day...
It may sound weird but, I am way thankful for dumping today, what a great reminder...Thankful my pouch still works...Thankful for all I have achieved since having this surgery...Sometimes the head thinks it can get away with more than it should, thank you pouch for the reminder ;-)
Alesia :-)
I'm 15 months post-op and had my first ever sugar dump yesterday. I, like you, am actually thankful for it. I had dumped from fats twice, but I guess I'd just never had enough sugar until yesterday.
It's a good thing that my DH and I aren't big on celebrating Valentine's Day because I was sick for 6 hours.
Blessings, Jennifer
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
Has anyone ever dumped on anything besides sugar? Last night I had a salad (which I have eaten many times before), and I am pretty sure that's what happened. I had the fast heartbeat, sick to my stomach, etc,etc, and it passed after about 15 minutes.
by the way these posts have really been helping me in the last week or so. I am about 20 months out, and it helps to see others with some of the same issues as I have been having.

Hi Susie,
I dump pretty easily. Sugar is a no-brainer for me and I avoid it all costs. I had chili one night (homemade so I know there was no sugar) and ate about 4 bites and my heart started racing. Had to lay down and take a nap for a half hour. If I eat too fast my heart races. If I eat mushy foods, my heart races. Sugar alcohol (5 grams or more) give me terrible gas pains.
My husband and I went to Red Lobster over the weekend. I had half of one of those great biscuits, broiled tilapia and a cucumber slice. I ate slowly, didn't finish anything, but.........had about 6 swallows of wine during dinner. BIG mistake. I know better than to drink with my meals. Before we left my heart was racing and I was dizzy. I felt better in about 20 minutes, but heck that's uncomfortable.
So, for me, I know I can't drink with my meals at all, hold fast on carbs (white flour especially), and eat slowly. I also have to be very careful with mushy foods and soups. If I dump, I usually know it's because I ate too fast or had something with some hidden sugar in it.
I'm glad my pouch still works!!! Debra
Debra Harlander
RNY 6/28/05 247/230/151/137
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty well preserved body...... but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming "WOW"!!!- what a ride!"
I'm five years post-op. I dumped this week on walnuts! My pouch doesn't like sugar/carb combinations. Like cake. Just the thought of fried chicken makes me nauseous.
I am so happy that it still works. I love fresh produce and chicken. My pouch is still small. I can only eat a couple of bites of chicken-then it is full.
I am so happy that it still works. I love fresh produce and chicken. My pouch is still small. I can only eat a couple of bites of chicken-then it is full.