Hi all,
I have to say that I have been very discouraged pretty much lately. I'm 21 months post-op, have lost 185 pounds from my top weight and just had a TT done 2 weeks ago. I look at my body and I say I'm happy that I had this surgery. However, I feel bad physically 99% of the time. Either I have pains from my fibromyalgia or something I ate doesn't agree with me or I've got su*****redibly painful gas (not like the funny rumbly tummy gas, but seriously PAINFUL in my chest gas) or I'm constipated or my costrochondritis is painful or my esophogeal spasms, or I have no appetite or I have an unreal appetite or my pouch is hurting or my pinched nerve in my back is hurting which makes my abdomen hurt or something! I have pain in my upper abdomen a good portion of the time from either gas or my pinched nerve or the esophogeal spasms. I've had an endoscopy done and everything looked great. I've had an EKG done. Every test that I've had (blood and otherwise) have all come back great, so I know that everything is good inside, but I feel like total s#-t 95-99% of the time. I am honestly starting to regret having this surgery. No, I don't have diabetes or high blood pressure, but I still am totally unhealthy! Or at least feel unhealthy. I feel almost worse than I did pre-op. How f-d up is that?
Maybe I'm just venting, but I really needed to do it and get this out.
On the positive side, I got my drains out from my TT today and feel much better in that respect. The nurse said that everything is healing fantastically - is one of the best she's seen. She said that my complete recovery will look amazing.
Hi Michelle, its been about a year since I have been to this board, I was so tierd of feeling like the only one that was having a hard time with this surgery, I had the sapala wood micro pouch in July 2005, and I have had every thing done to me luckily my incesion healed fine because I have heard horror storys about that but my weight loss was sooo slow Im started at 294 and now Im 167 but I have had my pouch close 3 times and had to have the tube down the throat, and my stomach dialated, I had a double hernia surgery, I lost my galbladder, my bottom teeth have just gone horrible the color is horrible and 3 have broke off and my hair is still falling out in hand fuls I am to embarrassed to even have a hair dresser try to do anything with my hair because its just horrible I have clogged the sink and tub with my hair, Iam 39 years old and I swear my face has aged 10 years, I am anemic all my blood work comes back, low iron, I have to take b vitamin pills and shots, from all the surgery Iam always in pain not horrible but pretty bad sometimes so the Dr. finally gave up trying to find anything and said its scar tissue from all the surgerys and put me on vikodin, I have no energy Im a ***** all the time because I feel bad and Im so sick of throwing up!!! I still cannot eat bread, meat no sugars or I just pass out, and l Cannot even think of sex, the Dr also thinks Im in early mentapause, because I have 2 periods a month, night sweats that make me wake up drenched and freezing (Did I mention Im a ***** LOL) I feel so ugly I just cant even look at my self, Im on Illinois medicaid and am now totally lost at what to do with my body it sickens me I was more comfortable weighing my top weight of about 340 because Iam so physically repusive my stomach, just hangs and sags, my boobs have fallen so much I am a DD but when Im not wearing a bra and look in the mirrir side ways I honestly look flat chested and my arms dont even get me going on that, I am so upset about the flab it is consuming me, oh and there is a new odor when I sleep I swear I really dont know were to turn I am sorry for your troubles and wish you didnt have them but I am truly happy to hear that Iam not alone, I would be so grateful to talk to you maybe we can help each other..you said you just had a TT do oyu know were I could even star looking for a DR. that may take medicaid? well Michelle please e-mail me ANY TIME, and be strong this has all gotta work out...please excuse all my bad spelling....take care and be happy Lisa Michelle
Dear Michelle and Lisa-Michelle: I am so sorry that you are having these issues to deal with. Please feel free to vent here. WLS isn't a "god-send" for everyone, and I hope that at least on the grads board, people won't act as though you have to be all "happy-happy" about it. I am more than happy to listen and offer support if I can. I wish I could offer some advice, but the only thing that comes to mind is maybe you would consider seeing a therapist to continue venting these issues and hopefully come to some resolution about everything. It must be just horrible to deal with these things daily and I'm so sorry that this is the case with you two.
You have my best wishes that everything will improve. Please don't give up.
Gosh Michelle. Do you think maybe you are having problems with Adhesions? (Scar tissue). This causes the majority of the pain when I have it.
I am not happy you have esophageal spasms but THANK GOODNESS someone out there has them besides me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I was the only one. They are HORRIBLE! Luckily they only happen to me about 3 times a year. I know the symptoms so I have something to prevent it. The only thing that works for me is to take Valium.
I get one of the lowest doses possible. It is 2mg. They have a 1mg but really that is nothing. I like the 2mg because it relaxes the muscles without me feeling "loopy" or out of it. I don't even feel it at all. See if you can talk your doctor into giving you this low dose AS NEEDED. People can become addicted to them in high doses but I just use mine as a muscle relaxer. It stops the spasms in their tracks. Luckily, I only have to take them a few times a year.
Good luck to you and I hope you find some relief.