30 grams of protein?
on 2/14/07 11:49 pm
I tried to do Internet research on this very subject in the begining, and I too, could not find any actual scientific published research on this. A lot of the anecdotal stuff out there is from the people who are trying to sell you their protein. What it came down to for me, is that there is no reason to think we are not absorbing it all except for the malabsorption factor built into the RnY [an even that is not a hard and fast number for everyone, nor is it a constant thru our life as our bodies adapt].
I count all my protein intake. I have always aimed high and physically feel better when I meet my goals. I DEFINATLEY count ALL the CALORIES I intake as well. I hope I still malabsorb some, but I still very much work on calories in calories out. It's worked for me this far, I am one year out today and healthy and as of this morning, 14 pounds from goal.
Permanent weight loss requires permanent change.