Carb-fest weekend
Yes, Kris, it is most definitely like an addiction. I run through the same cycle that you do. I was doing well for a while, started eating too many simple carbs again, and am now into the addiction cycle once again. Actually, the only really bad thing I have here right now is dark chocolate M&M's. I've been finding myself thinking about them every couple of hours. But at least I don't have a whole house-ful of bad stuff to tempt me. (We've been snowed in for 2 days. I work in a school and it has been canceled yesterday and today, and the roads are too bad to go anywhere!) I am trying to balance myself with enough protein and whole-grain carbs and fruits. Also, getting outside this morning for a 45-minute workout to clear our driveway was a definite plus! I needed to get out of this house, and I'm going to try going out again this afternoon.
I'm not really sure how your meds would play into the carbs/sugar cycle. But I would agree with you that this is not hormonal, and truly a physiological phenomenon. Good luck with getting away from the bad stuff. Also, making sure I stay really hydrated helps me a lot. When I'm drinking plenty of fluids, I don't think as much about eating all the time. I have heard that we sometimes think we are hungry when it is really just thirst, and I believe that to be very true.
Best wishes,