Getting the shakes?
I notice from time to time if I do not get all my protien in, I get the shakes and I cant talk straight. I feel like I am about to jump out of my skin. Usually afer I eat something, it tends to get better. But I have to lay down for about 20 minutes. I can't understand it because I try my best to make sure I get enough protien. I snack all the time (which is NOT a good thing). I just get so freaked out of not getting enough that I tend to over do it. Has anyone else experienced this?
I get lightheaded and shakes sometimes.. I contribute mine to too much caffene (coffee) and not enough water.. also when tested during that time, my sugar was real low. I drank water.. ate some protein and within half hour or so much better and when tested again my sugar was back up.
Not sure what it all means...
.. but I do know I don't get enough water in.

Hey Kim!
What are you snacking on? Could be that your carb intake is too high and when that wears off, your blood sugar is bottoming? Also could be dehydration or a combination of both. Also, aside from the days that you are snacking, how often do you eat your regular meals?
I know that when I have too many carbs (especially when snacking), my blood sugar will plummet and I get dehydrated really quickly. Staying on a more even-keel with the protein and the water - AND eating ever few hours helps me.
8:00 - breakfast
10:30 - snack
1:00 - lunch
4:00 - snack (big protein snack if going to the gym that night)
Dinner is between 7:00 or 8:00, depending on gym night.
I hope this helps!!
Good luck!

I usually stick to a schedule with my eating. All except for breakfast. I have a hard time eating during the work week. But I do eat it on the weekends. I snack on cheese sticks, oranges and pecan sandies. I know I am not suppose to be eating the cookies, but I am addicted to them right now.
When I am at work, I eat crackers or oranges for snacks. I have been eating oranges more and more the last month. I do not have a problem with snacking during the week while I am at work. But once I get home, man its on!
As for drinking, I do not drink straigh****er. I can taste the minerals and it makes my stomach cramp. I drink a lot of crystal lite and a couple of cups of coffee every day.
I havent even thought about having to many carbs. I have been worried about getting in my protien. I get tired of eating the same thing over and over again. I am burnt out on turkey and ham. Pepperoni makes my stomach hurt as well. So I am limited on what I can snack on.
Thanks for taking the minute to respond to me.
Are you diabetic? I am (or was). This sounds very much like what I experience when I eat foods too high in carbs. I had my surgery in December of 2005. I am diabetic and was on three medications prior to surgery. Since surgery and after losing 110 lbs., I've been off all meds for several months now. However, I have noticed lately that when I eat carbs (fruit included), my blood sugar goes up but then goes down rather fast - and that's when I start with the shakes. I still test my blood sugar at times just so I will know what different foods do to my levels. I noticed just this weekend that it happened to me several times. I am on a banana kick and like I said my blood sugar level will rise and then decrease rather fast - hence the shakes. Then, of course, you feel like you need something else - and there goes the cycle - again. But this is something I want behind me. I don't want to go through those cycles.
Anyway, I don't know if this helps you, but it sounds familiar. I do find, however, that if I stick to protein, veggies, and really limit carbs my blood sugar level stays pretty even and I feel much better. I truly think there is a connection.
I am not diabetic. It's happened I guess about 6 times last year if that. I am so freaked out about not eating that I constantly eat. I gotta get a hold of this or I am going to ruin everything. I have been doing better the last couple of days. Laying off the cookies, but I have been eating some valentine candy. I am going to make some changes and see if it helps. If it doesn't, I am going ot the doctor.
Kim, sounds like episodes of reactive hypoglycemia (or late dumping). It isn't a protein problem per say but either 1) waiting to long to eat or 2) you ate something higher in carbs and/or sugar that caused your sugar to spike and a hour or so later, it crashes.
Surgeons are finding this happening to more and more post-ops especially those 2 years plus post-op.
What you need to do to level out your sugar and keep it level is eat a protein with a carb (together). I always keep peanut butter crackers with me (work, purse, car) for these instances. You can drink OJ or eat something sweet that will bring the sugar up quickly to make the shaking and mind fog disapper but you'll end up with another episode shortly thereafter when it crashes again.
I had this happen just this past Saturday! I had eaten some sugar (a chocolate covered cherry) and not had enough protein. I find that the farther out I am, the more sensitive I seem to be to sugar and fat. I NEVER had a problem with dumping early out. Actually, I'm rather glad that I do this now as it helps keep a "check" on that sugar intake. I don't have too much trouble with carbs since I am sensitive to gluten and do not eat anything containing wheat. But, too many corn chips or anything else too high fat or anything too sweet will do a "number" on my nervous system!! The advice to eat something high-protein WITH a SMALL amount of carbs is the best thing to do.
Hugs, Pam