IRON and B 12
I am just starting this journey too. It has been almost 5 years since my WLS but due to some plastic surgery complications and female problems last year we believe that I my iron is VERY low. They took what seemed like half my blood yesterday to test my iron, thyroid and a bunch of other stuff but I will probably end up doing the exact same things you are doing, ie. going to the hematologist and then having iron infusions. Hope all works out for you with it.
Cindy W

I recently completed a series of 8 iron infusions (IV) with Ferrlicet (not sure if I spelled it right). 30 days later had my blood tested and my iron is in the normal range. I started out at a severe anemia level. The next step is to test in 90 days, and continue testing every quarter.
The infusions take 90 minutes. Totally worth it!
well i had my first INFED infusion yesterday, took about 4 hours for the drip but about another hour added for the set up and stuff. I will have another one next week and the doc will then test me about 6 weeks later, he said he was not sure why I was having problems but it seemed my body was not processing the iron right or something like that, his next step if its low is to do a bone marrow biopsy. he explained everything but for the life of me I just dont remember everything he said,
seems I am like that all the time, bet its due to the enemia. I just seem kind of out of it and want to take a nap.. but if i take a nap, for some reason i get a headache...I think I will bring that up when I see him next time.
I was told I should feel the effects withen a few days! I hope so, my house is a mess and I just have no energy to do anything.
good luck to anyone having this done.