i posted 2 pics on my page
i could see them. omg...your tummy looks amazing!! sorry my email was wrong...it's [email protected] but i saw your pics....wow!!can you email them to me as well??
Yes, sweetie, I'd be crying FOUL PLAY!! That is NOT what you were looking for and NOT what he promised. The excess skin thing is just bunk! I have a similar look and my PS has assured me the outcome is going to be spectacular....SHE is known for being an excellant sculptress and she has worked on some of my friends who have had WLS. I like her work! I'm having the anchor cut and a breast lift/shape done on 4/4/07 and I'm excited.
Please get angry for yourself and demand that he finish the job properly.
Now I WILL say that Dr. Hansen told me that by doing my surgeries in 2 stages she will be able to go back in and take care of any uneven healing, but that I definately would have that waist skin GONE!!! It is one of MY worst areas as well.