I'm two today
Yes, that is right, today is my second surgiversary.
So I guess it is time to reflect upon what a wonderful journey this has been so far and will continue to be.
I am so NOT the person i was before. Pat was a strong woman who was very capable, but so very sad inside. She didn't feel she belonged even though she had many good friends. Her life was working and eating and TV. A sad small life despite many who loved her for who she was.
This surgery changes not just our bodies, but our minds, our hearts and leaves us both smaller physically and so very much larger emotionally. I grow with every pound I lose. I feel like a balloon that has been set free to soar. I'm not afraid to try new things and....I'm not afraid of relationships because I now LOVE me.
Year one was gross weight loss. Year two has seen a modest weight loss, but shaping through rigorous exercise. Year three is the year of sculpting along with more modest weight loss. PS for the panny, waist and breasts is scheduled for the first week of April.
I'm reinventing myself. I'm no longer Pat....I'm now Trisha. And Trisha is a bold but caring, sassy red head.
So any of you newbies out there reading thing, please understand that this is a process with lots of ramifications, many wonderful changes, and in the end you get to be the diamond that was there all along. Sparkly and new, shining bright as the sun.
Life is good!!!
the two year old!
Hi Trisha, girl I was thinking about you today (well guess that's yesterday since it's 3:18 a.m. Central time), congratulations girl on a wonderful transformation. You are a sweetheart and so very beautiful, inside and out.
Best wishes on the PS, I'm almost there too. Had another consult yesterday, now I have to see the cost associated with everything I want done. Looks like 2 rounds of PS in my future, hopefully the first one in March sometimes.
Happy Anniversary, continued success to you on this journey and all aspects of your life.
Oh Sweetie, thank you and YOUR 2 year is coming up in a couple of weeks!!! I'm so happy these days and this week has been emotional. I don't know if I should laugh or cry with happiness....so I've been doing both. LOL.
PS is scheduled for first week of April which fits EVERYONE's schedules to a T. Having 2 stages as well--anchor cut for the panny and cinching of the waist, and a breast lift/sculpture. SHE is the premier reconstructive breast PS in the PNW. Frankly I was shocked and amazed at how LOW the prices were---really!!! As good as going to Brazil!! You ought to give me a call and I could tell you more. Shoot, ya could come here and she could do a twofer! LOL She has done the reconstruction on a friend of mine who was banded a couple of years ago.
so doing the happy
for us both....

Congrats, little girl! I am three, and I'm little, too, and loving it! You look beautiful, and I know you feel beautiful. I have not done the PS, and don't plan to at this point, because of my age and other surgeries (new knees) that are on the list first, but I would at another place in time. I completely understand your new persona, as I feel like mine has emerged from the prison of fat that I buried myself in so many years ago. No regrets, no regrets, only profound gratitude to the surgeon and God for allowing this second chance. Good luck on your PS and keep working for yourself. Life is beautiful, and we are too. Best wishes, Denise, the three year old.
Oh, thank you Tracy! I'm really looking forward to this coming year. I sense MANY momentous changes on the horizon for me....I feel my life being pulled in new directions which is both disconcerting and yet very exciting. Life is for living and I refuse to let fear dictate it's direction so....yes, onward, upward and embrace life with open arms.