OT dont know how i am going to handle this
hello everyone, well next week, my 19 year old son is being deployed to Iraq! I am doing ok right now but I am sure once it sinks in I will be a basket case... I am trying to find some sort of support group in my area for families and I hope that will help, i am also thinkiing about talking to my doctor to see about some anti depressants.
also my iron is still really low and i went to a specialist and he confirmed that my iron is pretty low and I have two infusion dates. I go to his office and sit there for 4 hours with an IV in my arm for the infusions, i was told to bring a lunch and i also plan on bring my portable DVD player, then I will go back a week later and do it one more time.
also started to get a monthy B 12 shot, i am hoping that with the iron infusions and the B12 shots, i will start to feel better soon.
Oh Donna, you have alot of stressful stuff going on right now! I too would call the dr about some meds to help b/c that's just so much to deal with! I will keep your son in my prayers. I hope that you can get your iron straightened out too so that you can feel better physically!!! Keep us updated on how things are going!
Tracy B
First let me say I have been through all the same anxiety in my past. My husband was deployed to VietNam 1 month after we were married. Very long time ago and the longest yr of my life but it is so fresh in my mind like it was yesterday since I live with his head injury and disability to this day. I did find a support group right away that met 2 nights a week. Those women and two men were my only support and I was the only one who was postive my husband would come home the same way he left. Fact is I was lucky to get him back at all. Back then we didn't get phones calls but once every 4 or 6 months...we were lucky to get a letter every two weeks and there was no email or TV coverage as there is today. My girlfriend has a son in Iraq and she hears from him every few days either email or he calls so things has changed though I do feel for your fears.
Find a group right away so you can learn to deal with the problems that can arise. I don't say this to scare you just to prepare you as it isn't pretty what is happening. For me it has brought back PTSD and I don't have a child there and do your self a big favor, try not to take anti-anxiety medication, take large does of omega 3, google it to find out the benefits. Antidepressants may put that weight right back on you and after your hard work you don't want to be fat and depressed, nor do you not want to be able feel emotion. JMO If it were my son I would lock him in a closet!!!
Now in reference to the iron infusions...most of my life has been spent having blood transfusions due to anemia and IV iron ifusions every 3 to 6 months as I don't store iron. I usually have 5 in each sequence and you're right its the whole day shot in the ass but boy it makes a world of difference. It has nothing to do with my gastric bypass surgery been like this my entire life...just took doctors almost 30 yrs to realize it was an ongoing problem not a bleeding problem. B12 injections I do once a week as once a month I still was exhausted. Vitamins plus many other supplements are a must for me.
Let me know if I can help in any way.