My 6 year WLS Birthday & 69th Birthday!

Just a suggestion---please go to your wls surgeon and make sure there's nothing mechanically wrong with your pouch. Could be a staple-line disruption, etc. If there's nothing wrong with the pouch, you don't need a lap-band, you should be able to go back to your original plan, protein first, then veggies, etc. Get the junk out of the house, the kids don't need it either.
Best wishes to you in your quest to get back on track.
Dear Ruth,
Congratulations !! What an inspiring story . At 43 I truly would never have believed that I would be where I am . Your story does give me hope . Hope not only for me but for my grandsons as well . I did this to get healthy so I could see them live and enjoy life .
I totally agree about not getting the band . I would go get your pouch checked out .if you are ok .. go back to basics . Protein - Water - Exercise .. it will create weight loss .
Please keep coming back here for support . These people in the grads board are so full of information, inspiration and life . and with us .. we can help you stay motivated the best we can .
Again ..Congratulations .. Very Proud of you ..
Thank you so much for sharing your story!!!! You did a wonderful thing by taking the boys in and you should be so very proud of yourself and of them!!!!! You CAN get back to where you want to be~I have faith in that! Keep us posted on how you're doing! And, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tracy B
Hi Ruth!
Before you consider surgery again, you might want to try isagenix. I know, what you're thinking..another weight loss product..but, this one is very different. I creeped up 12 lbs, after 2.5 years. I was devastated.
THEN, a friend who had not had Gastric Bypass came to my house for the holiday and I noticed that she had lost 40 lbs since 3 months prior when I saw her. I asked what she'd been doing. She said Isagenix...and mixed me a shake. That's all it took to tell me this was a very high quality protein shake.
I am back in the 150's. And my lowest weight clothes are fitting again. I have more energy than I have EVER had (I have to admit, since my surgery I have felt tired everyday, until now). Also, my sex drive was lost..and it has returned.
Basically, it's a cleansing and fat burning system. The reason it works is it cleanses toxins out of your system which allows your body to burn fat cells (fat cells are your body's defense against toxins). I am replacing all my supplements with isagenix supplements. The calcium powder, I mix in my shakes and I am now taking the women's formula vitamins instead of prenatal vits.
My mother, 66, who was considering Gastric Bypass is now losing on isagenix. I hope it continues so that she won't have to risk surgery at 66.
You can read my profile on under Valle Campbell.
It might be worth giving a "test drive". Good luck, with whatever you decide..and remember, many of us post GP's are going through the same thing.