Why cant i loose weight?
I am a long term post-op , 4yrs. out. I never lost the last 30-40 lbs that i needed to loose. I was wondering if anyone has had any luck with getting the weight off after being a long time post op? I have tried so many different plans and nothing get the weight to budge. I did LA Weight Loss for 3 months and only lost 5lbs the whole time i was on it. And i really stuck with it. The same for weigh****chers. And i jog 3-5 times a week. I really need any help if there is any out there!!
Hi, Priscilla. This is really a tough situation for you, I can see that! I wish I had a good answer for you, but I'm struggling myself. I got down to a low of 160, and regained to 190 recently. I started doing Atkins a couple of weeks ago and lost 8 pounds. I don't know what LA Weight Loss is like, but maybe you could try all protein and very low carbs for a while. I'm so sorry you're having this trouble. It is so frustrating. I wish you the best and please keep posting.
Hey Priscilla!
1st - I feel for you! Have been there! I'm almost 5.5 years post...
5' 7" 292 24/26
129 2/4
179 14/16
159 10/12 (Ideal weight) for over 2.5 years
This may sound trite but I don't mean it to be ... I'd start by honestly evaluating what your EATING & DRINKING habits / patterns are. (Worked for me)
That's really the only long-term way to make lifestyle changes - everything else is merely another "diet" - you know that NASTY 4-letter-word! That short-term thing that most of us formerly-obese folks did and repeatedly FAILED at! ( I was so good / bad at DIETING!)
For me, the most drastic weight fluctuations (up and down) revolve around:
1. Fluid intake
When I drink WITH my meals I gain.
When I don't - I maintain or lose.
2. Snacking
When I plan my snacks they're healthier and LIMITED - portion control.
When I don't I tend to GRAZE = more = weight GAIN.
3. Movement
When I PURPOSE to MOVE MORE daily by body "hums" better - the machine
works better overall. (good for you - your commitment to jogging!!!)
That's it. Mostly DRINKING with my meals is what I look out for AND GIVE MYSELF PERMISSION TO DO ever so often. If I put on a pound or two over the weekend - it's usually due to MINDLESS dinners w/ friends/family - you know when we're all out & talking & eating & drinking (water or diet) & enjoying each other... I don't stress about it because I know by merely being PRESENT when I eat, that I will take the 2 lb back off in a day or two.
I love being NORMAL. (although my family would'nt agree! haha!)
Priscilla, you're doing GREAT and you're in control!!! You may not have the last "30 or 40" off yet but you've NOT RE-GAINED!!! You've accomplished so much!!! Way to go!
You can do this!

another issue to consider. Is losing another 30 - 40 pounds a realisitc expectation, or are you at the weight your body is comfortable with and wants to be at? we don't all fit the weight /BMI charts.
(4-11" 135 -140 pounds which by the charts is over weight by at least 20 - 25 pounds, but my body fat is at 23% which is really great for a woman my age. I have a good muscle base from my weight training, which keeps up my metabolism and keeps me looking and being leaner than a person of the same weight with a higher body fat content. yet another person in my class at 5'4" and 120 had a body fat of 30 % She does no weight training.
Maybe have a fitness eval including a body fat analysis and see where you really are from a fitness standpoint rather than just by height and weigh charts.
Ihear your pain and sympathize with you. I'm in the same boat. I've not found a solution.
I've been told so many different things by so many different people (including "medical professionals") that I don't know who to believe anymore.
- you're not eating enough, you're in starvation mode (?at 1500 calories?)
- you're metabolism is too efficient, you need to eat less
- you need more carbs (100 grams per day is fine)
- you need to cut out the carbs (30 per day is fine)
- you need more protein (I'm already at 100 grams daily)
- you eat too much protein, cut it in half
- eat more fat, making sure it is the right kind
- eat low fat
Suggestions to up my calories result in the scale going up. Same with upping the carbs (duh, like I didn't already know it, but I tried it to make the dietitian happy). I can make the scale stay the same by sticking with carbs