To a bunch of wonderful supporters out there
I went back and found the original post . Took me a while but I got there .. and Man o Man .. what energy she is waisting ... I think sometimes people get so wrapped up in the CAUSE .. and not the cure . I would have done anything my insurance company or my doctor said to get the surgery .. I tell people all the time ... I would have swam in the sewers from hell to get here ... sounds drastic .. but I would have .
Insurance companies do this so people will give up . And they have the right to cancel her surgery or not give it to her at all . By the time she fights the ins company she could have lost the 10 percent and gotten a date .. how sad . To prolong her disease like that ...
We talked about the main message boards last night at one of our meet and greets and I think we all agreed that so many come now to this surgery thinking it is owed to them .. and that they do not have to work for any of it ..
I was proud of your responce to her .. and I hope she gets what she wants .. but I still say she is waisting precious time ..
Big hugs .
Natalie, Tracy and Hazel,
Good morning, happy Sunday!
I was glad to see your faces today. I just wanted to make sure you knew how much I appreciate your words.
Anyway, I want this to be positive thing for me, and it is now, thanks to you . At least now I know that I am not a blow-hard and should keep my opinions to myself. I too would have, and DID, do whatever it took to get this procedure done. We should be proud of ourselves that we did it, and look at our results! The 3 of you are beautiful, and healthier, I am sure! I know I feel so much better not just physically, but emotionally as well. I am proud of us that we did what it took to get that way without whining or fighting the process. It was for our own good. I just wish she could see that.
I felt bad after reading the postings that she has Edema, and it is especially hard for her. BUT, and a BIG but.... we all had difficulties, which is why WLS was our last resort. I would love to email her personally and spell that out, but I think it would be lost on her, as she has already hired an attorney. What a waste of time, energy and $$$. She herself said that she does not have much $ to work with. Prior to my surgery, I was busy buying Protein powders which are not cheap, a few clothing items to get me thru the initial change, food for the transition periods, and some books to educate myself. Plus I was trying to sock some away since I would be off work for 6 weeks!
I appreciate all that I had to go through prior to surgery. It made me realize the magnitude of the changes I had to make with my life, thinking, eating habits and physically, because it was vital to the success of the surgery. Why go through all this just to gain it back because I did not completely commit?
I feel she is short changing herself. BIG mistake. You HAVE to go into this with the right frame of mind otherwise it won't work. I know someone who I used to work with who would go around the office passing Dark Milky Ways to us, and complain that the surgery did not work for her. Said it was menopause's fault. Maybe it was. I love that woman, and I am not calling her a liar, but the candy did not help. If I have to have a candy, I am so grateful that there are so many good sugar free alternatives out there that I don't feel guilty having.
Anyway, I just wanted to chime in and say hi, and thanks again! I feel like I am in a new kind of sisterhood! What a good feeling!