3 year anniversary
Well, first, congratulations and happy re-birthday! I'm just 15 months out, but I can relate to the old habits creeping back thing. I'm pretty much at goal and maintaining, but I have an internal struggle when it comes to certain foods - and eating in the evenings! I could so easily get back into the mindless eating etc, but what helps me is I remind myself how lucky I was to finally get the surgery, how much I went through to get it, how wonderful it feels now to be a "normal" weight....... and I grasp the fear of being heavy again. I try to always remember where I've been compared to where I am now, with my health etc....... and I slap myself back into reality. Sometimes this works better than other times!!!!!!!!!! But maybe that would help you - look back to the beginning of your journey, how you felt and how amazing it is now after losing the weight. I just try not to become complacent or take anything for granted. Know what I mean?
Good luck to you - hey reaching out for a little help here is a major step! Take care! Jeanne

Jeanne's advise to you is good...I like it for myself. Its hard at this mark of our journey to stay focused and committed. It was easy in the beginning. I know some would not think that but I look back and think I had the restrictions of a few ounces and could keep that calorie count down....now I can eat like a regular person if I let it happen. Okay the portions can't get that big but the calories can.....I could make a 1/2 c meal 600 calories easy.....Not good. So I have to constantly remind myself I don't need all those nuts.....Put fruit in the yogurt its a better trade off. I too have done a gain. I think its a normal thing for us but don't like it either. I am sure we can jump start it again....we have to get back to journaling our food intake and watch and record what we put in our mouth. And if its something we don't need....don't eat it.
Some days this is harder to follow but don't beat ourselves up because we stray....start tomorrow out with the change....evidently the change habit will be inforced....
First of all CONGRATS.....lets look at all the good you have done first. I have known you tooooooooooo many years and i can say you have traveled a long way. I remember outings with you and your family where the only thing you cared about was where you were going to eat. YOu have changed so much. I dont see you focus all your attention of food anymore. You are aware of what you are eatuing ...thats how you know when you have done wrong. Ok so you have a few extra pounds these days...just focus and get back on track. I have seen you do it and know you can again. Im here for ya!
COngrats again on all the positives you have acomplished. This is not a day to beat yourself up over the mistakes...its a day to start fresh........

Congratulations on your 3yr anniversary!!!! it sounds like you know what to do, you just need to find the motivation and sometimes that's the hardest part for me! Look at it this way, you've caught it early and you know what to do so you're way ahead of the game!!!! Get back to basics, exercise and get your water in~you'll be fine!!!!! Keep us posted on how things are going for you!!!
Tracy B