HELP!!! Need To Confess
Hello Everyone.
I just had a major scare and I need to confess my sins to someone! I figured all of you would understand and be able to tell me to get my butt in gear.
For the past two months I have been bad. I have eaten any number of high-calorie junk and not been careful at all. Once I even drank a coke.
Over those two months I gained 8 lbs!!!!!
While eating all of this junk, I was also taking Metformin for insulin resitance (I know...I know...) If any of you take that you know that they are gigantic pills about 1" long. My doc says that they come in liquid but no one in town has been willing to order it for me.
Two nights ago I forgot to take my pills so I jumped out of bed and swallowed them quickly where they promoptly got stuck. Usually, I have to take my time and swallow them. This night I didn't do that and, of course, this stuck was a horrible stuck. The next day I could not drink my coffe without "feeling the pill".
So I panicked! I just new that swallowing those pills had caused my band to slip and that I was going to have to give up my band. I was terrified!!! For about 30 hours, i just knew that I was going to have to go to my doctor and tell him what an idiot I had been. I also convinced myself that I was gonna lose my band and gain all my weight again. I have been a wreck!
Well, this morning I woke up and could eat and drink like normal for the morning so I think I am ok. But, this scared the hell out of me.
Do not be as bad as me! I only have 40 lbs to goal and don't wanna lose my band! My band is my friend. :) I just need to be a better friend to it.
So, someone please yell at me and tell me to shape up! I need to get back on track and need some encouragement to do so.
Toni in Memphis
I won't yell at. I made the some of the same mistakes. Now I'm trying to get myself back on course and do the right things. You can too. I've gotten lots encouragement here and I'll pass the gist of it on to you.
Don't dwell on the can't go back and correct them.
Take things a week, a day, an hour or even a moment at a time.
Don't beat yourself up. Pick yourself up.......dust off and start down that right path again.
Wishing you luck and my support anytime you need it.

Each day is a new begining. When we make these mistakes, we brush ourselves off and start again. You have worked to hard to beat yourself over a few mistakes. We are human and we are going to be batteling this for the rest of our lives. You made your mistakes, acknowledged them now its time to move on from them and get back on trac****ep your head held hi, its this kind of thing that has made us fail in the past only now we have the tools to fix it.
Good luck.