Going solo is back! Slapped around a little but back.
Well with my last post I found out that even though I am not completly solo on my regrets of this surgery I am however among the few. I really appreciate all the words of wisdom, encouragment, and even the feeling of being slapped around a little from the people who have contributed to my post. The support on this web-site is exactly what I needed when I realize that it is all about attitude. I know that I have been frightened into a second round of reality with my friend's emergency surgery but after listening to everyone it has made me snap back to the fact that I need to deal with the choice I made three years ago and continue with this life long journey. I feel like being what they call one of the "lightweights" at 241 and now 181, fighting for every one of the 60 lbs that I lost and fighting even harder to keep them off because I have gained back 10, is a big reason why I feel the health risk and worries of the future were not worth this but I understand that for the more successful ones it must be a real blessing. I do however feel it is important to help anyone out there that is considering this surgery to know that as difficult as life may be heavy this is not a magic bullet to thinness. They need to hear all of our stories even the ones that are not "I would do it again in a heartbeat". Thank you again for the support and I especially would like to say thank you to Patricia for one little word, she told me to "BREATHE".
Hi Denise,
I sure hope I didn't give you that "slapped around a little" feeling, I certainly didn't mean to
I don't think anybody that responded to you meant to give you that feeling (although I certainly cannot speak for others here) I believe we were all, in our own way, trying to make you feel better about your decision.
I hope you come to peace and contentment with your decision/situation
Take Care,

Denise, I agree with you in the fact that people thinking about having wls should look at it from every angle before deciding to go thru with it. My first advice to anyone thinking about it is to do as much research as you can! There's good and bad to everything in life and wls definitely is not a "magic bullet to thiness"! I am glad that you're feeling a little bit better about things!
Tracy B
Denise, A BIG THANK YOU!!!! for posting your previous post!!!I needed to see that there are people out there just like me!!! (emotions all mixed up)I also needed to hear all the replies that came with it!!!(was too afraid to post what you did-again I thank you). I too was a lightweight!!did several years of research(my surgeon was impressed with my 3 ring binder & all the info I had). I so thought i was ready-knew all the possible risks!!! I had lap ryn on 5-3-06 & on 5-15-06 had to have open small bowel obstruction( my lower hook up just folded over & healed shut not my fault or my surgeons fault) I was one sick lady!!Completely dehydrated, completely malnurished alot of my vitamins were out of whack!! They couldn't get a vein so I had to have a picc line put in to feed me, medicate me, hydrate me, & allow them to get blood. I was in the hospital for 8 days & then had to go home on home health with the picc line-my hubby(he's so wonderful) had to learn to take care of my picc line change my bags inject my vitamins & potassium. I just knew it was the end!!lOur lives would never be the same. Found out while I was in the hospital my best friend who had wls 2 years prior was in another local hospital the day after me with emergency surgery for 2 internal hernias & a bowel obstruction(bless her heart she still continued to call & check on me even though she was so sick-gotta love those girlfiends!) I eventually got better-returned to work after 2 months!! have been enjoying my weight loss with mixed feelings-I go to 2 support group meetings, I feel I have been more compliant due to my complication. so trying to accept the lesson G-d sent me! but i too worry about the future!!!I made the decision to have wls for a better more healthy future with my family!! I am 8 going on 9 months out & yesterday went to the Dr. I found I have an incarcerated incisional hernia-going for Ct scan next week & then we (surgeon, hubby & I ) will make the decision on when to do the repair surgery!!So here comes all those feelings I was working so hard to get a hold of!!!I agree with you 100 % that anyone researching or newbie needs to hear all the stories not just the good "I'd do it all over again" stories!! My feelings are so mixed on this!!! I am thankful for the few months I have had healthy & energetic(it gave me a glimpse into how life can be free of all the weight). But then worry & doubt( I am a natural worry wart hehe) kick back in!!!It is a daily battle to deal with these emotions!!! I think the advise to just "BREATHE" is very good advise I will try to follow but just wanted you to know YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! & I really do appreciate your posting this!!!(((HUGS))) ~Missy~