I've been doing okay when I'm at work. But it seems harder at home. Getting in more water and almost no soda (only had part of a bottle yesterday). Started taking vits again.
I'm actually going to the gym tongiht. We'll see how that goes since it's been awhile since I've done anything!
I really helps to have these posts going and to know I'm not the only one going through this.
Good luck everyone.
I suck.
Monday thru Thursday last week, I did GREAT! Friday, I had to go home early due to an ice storm, then got sick...I eat more SICK than most NON-WLS folks eat on a good old-fashioned bad day! I ate and ate and ate. I think I got all my liquid in, but it was via iced tea and hot tea and NO****ER.
I'm back at work today though, and BACK ON TRACK.

It was a three day weekend for me. I had some good days and some not so good days. Still, I did not find myself grazing like I have been doing. I had an all day meeting today. They provided a box lunch for us. So today I had a cup of tea with some hones and milk and a sandwich for lunch. It came with chips and a chocolate chip cookie which I gave to a friend. So that is all I have had so far. The evenings are the hardest for me.
OK - I havent posted in probably a year and reading all this makes me feel a bit better. Although I have gained 20 lbs in a matter of 3 - 4 months (dont ask how cause I dont know - well I do, its the alcohol and insomnia) but thats a whole other issue to deal with. But this will help. I was a meer 20lbs away from my goal of 160 and now have doubled my need to 40lbs away from my goal - and to top it off, i dont want to screw up the beautiful tummy tuck i had 10 months ago (my excess weight is all in my thighs!)
So i too need tons of encourgement and tips to get on the 2007 track - I am going to be 40 in July and I want to be at goal
12/29/03 - RNY
5'7 = started at 300 went down to 180 now
back to 200

I wish I had a chance to respond to each and everyone of you. I do care about people and want to support them cause Lord knows I need help too. But with such a demanding job and 4 kids I hardly have time. I will try to respond to you when I can.
Any way I was naughty and have nice news.
Today was weigh in day and I lost 5 pounds in a week!! YEE HAWW Been doing good except for last night... (umm I went to a Chineese Buffet) I know really naughty but I did not drink very much with my meal ( maybe 4 sips of water) and I was very choosy to pick high protein items like chicken beef seafood and a few veggies. On my way to yoga now and treated myself to a massage!!
Love you guys!!!!!
Can anyone join this post?
I am a little over 4 years out. I had a tummy tuck and breast lift last May, and I feel I am gaining. A few months ago, I had lost 7 pounds without doing anything, now it is back I am afraid. My jeans today felt way too snug, and I have been so depressed all day. I have been having some major back issues for about 9 months, I have 3 bulging discs in my lower back, and arthritis also. I can't exercise like I want to, and I know this is part of my problem.
I will be 40 the end of June, and I truly want to lose about 25 pounds...I really need some help/advice and some buddies....will anyone PLEASE help me?
Hi Jan,
My name is Tyecha and I have gained about 25 lbs.and when my jeans almost cut me in half, I realized that I am in too deep and need to get busy. I found myself grazing and eating when I was bored and now I have an extra 25 lbs. to carry around. I am getting back to the basics. Let me know how things are going? I need to utilize the support that is available. I felt like I failed myself, but I do realize the tool is still working, I have to use it.
I have not been very disciplined with my exercise as well.
8/5/2003 - RNY
5"0 = started at 250 and went down to 150 and now 175