Asking for more Anemia Advice
OK, I'm now freaking out. About 3 months ago, my lab work came up with borderline Anemia. I started increasing my iron suppliments. My labs the next month showed sever anemia and I tested positive for blood in stool. More extensive blood tests showed my thyroid was low, so my doc increased my synthroid. For the New Year I had a colonoscopy and an endoscopy.
Thankfully the tests showed no internal bleeding. I've been taking the increased dose of synthroid for almost a month. I'm taking lots of Iron (with orange juice, not when I take calcium). I swear, I'm getting worse. I'm getting dizzy all the time now. I can't make a full day at work. When I got my period, which was very late and very heavy, I couldn't even go into the office.
I don't know that my PCP is hearing me even though I call her office twice a week. She says it takes 3 months for iron to build up and 1 month for the thyroid meds to work. She won't send me to hematologist until that time is up. I don't understand why I'm getting worse. I can't function. Any suggestions?
Torrey (281/176/160)
Hi Torrey~
I have been fighting with anemia since i was a few months post op...and that was about 2 1/2 years ago. It does take a long time to show even a small increase in iron levels and sometimes iron infusions may be the best/only option to get someone back into a normal range. I know you stated that you are taking lots of iron, what kind? not all iron is as easily processed by bariatric patients. I was on a prescription iron for over a year and between the constipation and the fact that i was supposed to take like 2 capsules twice a day, i wasn't the most compliant patient. I have been using a chewable iron for bariatric patients (from Bariatric Advantage...i order it online) and it's a tart passion fruit flavor and i chew 2 a day. Definitely not as bad as swallowing the 4 capsules...and no problems with constipation. And the good news being that my iron levels have now been going steadily up for the past few months. I'm still on the low side, but things are much better than they were.
good luck. and if you don't feel your PCP is listening to you and responding to you the way you feel you need...see if you can see someone else in the group or another doctor if possible. everyone deserves to have a doctor that listens and explains thing to them so we know what's going on.
Thanks for your reply. I'm also taking the BA Passion Fruit Chewable Iron with Vit C. It doesn't kill my stomach like regular iron did.
My doctors office was calling me while i was writing this post. I'm off to a hematologist now. Most likely for Iron Infusion. Hopefully that will help. As well, my thyroid med was increased again.
I was doing so great for over a year, and now I'm falling apart. I hate the not having any control over this crap.
Now, I just need to figure out how I'm going to handle my daughters Birthday Party this Saturday.
I was always anemic BEFORE surgery. My biggest problem was drinking tea/coffee with meals. Last summer, I donated a pint of blood (I know, I KNOW) and by October was dangerously low on iron. I picked my B12 injections back up, and began taking Ferrous Sulfate - my pharmicist ordered it for me, it is OTC. I mixed 1.5 tsp a day in a glass of Sunrise every morning and six weeks later was on the high end. I have stepped away from tannin bearing drinks as much (the teas, coffees) especially with meals (since I know better anyway
) and have backed off to supplementing 2-3 days a week. It was much easier on my stomach, and seemed to work for me. The next step WAS an iron infusion. Actually, my dr wanted to admit me and do that immediately, and I fought to try this first. It is worth a shot, you need to do something - but hooking up to an IV will save time and get you back on your feet faster. Otherwise, are your periods normally so heavy? Make sure you discuss that with your doc too...Good luck!

Torrey, glad to see your PCP called and you are going to see a hemotologist. I think at the point you are now, iron infusions are cructal to getting your iron back up. It may take a few infusions to get it up and then taking iron regularly for a period of time.
I hope you feel better, I can't imagine living with sheer exhaustion.
I hope the hemotologist will help. my iron has always been low and I am sure I have been anemic most of my life. I was on iron pills but they just made me constipated and after a bad bad reaction to Repliva my doctor is sending me to the hemotologist because he feels he can help me better... I have an appointment on in two weeks.
On the thyroid meds, adding more synthroid may not be all that you require. The "gold standard" that most physicians use is measuring the TSH and administering synthroid. Synthroid is the T4 hormone and your body has to convert it into T3, which is the active hormone. My endocrinologist said that not all people do that conversion efficiently. When my individual hormone levels were meansured, I had high levels of T4 (from the ton of synthroid that I was taking) but low levels of T3, which told him I wasn't converting efficiently. He added a small amount of Cytomel to my daily regimen, which is the T3 hormone, and lowered the synthroid dose. This makes me feel slightly more awake and "with it", much less foggy. I'd like to add another dose of Cytomel and take out more synthroid, but he's not willing to go there. And, he doesn't test much beyond the TSH levels, so I don't know how much my T3 levels have changed by the addition of the cytomel.
It does take time for your body to adjust with any med change. Obviously, I'm not a physician, but you might want to bring up the topic with your physician when next you meet.
good luck,
Sue O.
Thank you so much everyone. I swear, I think I'm going crazy. I had a dream my PCP could be my only Dr. for awhile. Oh, it's back to the specailist. I'm now waiting to see if the hematologist thinks my labs warrant him seeing me immediately. If I don't get a response by Monday, I'm going to the ER. I just can't function like this.
Again, let me express my thanks for all your replies and experiences. No place else could I discuss this people who've had similar experiences.
Myrtle M.
on 1/13/07 3:57 am - Duluth, MN
on 1/13/07 3:57 am - Duluth, MN
You could increase your iron tablets - I take Vitron C - the vitamin C is wrapped with it for absorbtion, and there's not the constipation that other iron supplements cause. Cook in a cast iron pan - the iron will leach into the food. Try high iron foods on a regular basis. I know it takes a while for iron to build up but take as much as you safely can until you can get to a hematologist. Many of us are anemic and we have to stay up on meds and lab work. My iron got so low I was one point away from infusions. My doc greatly increased my intake of iron and it's much better now.
Hi Torrey,
My yearly labs came back that I am anemic as well. I was borderline at 6 months. I changed my regiment as suggested by the nutritionist so that I am now taking a liquid iron Gluconate in the morning called Floradix. It has vitamin C in it already. I also chew chelated iron tablets during the day that also contain vitamin C. I take double the daily dosage suggested. I get my iron labs taken again in another month because it takes time to build up your iron but I can tell you that my energy level has greatly increased. According to my nutrionist, some people react better to one type than the other but the general rule for the order of best absorption is: chelated, gulconate and then carbonyl (Tender Iron). This is again only a general rule because your body may respond better to one over the other. I was taking chelated already but I misread the directions and I was only taking half the daily requirement. Now I am taking both chelated and gulconate and I take twice the daily requirement. I have fibroids so I lose a lot of iron each month. My niece had the DS and she takes Tender Iron (from Vitalady). She has no problems so far. I will try to remember to report my results next month. If I forget, please feel free to send me a reminder.