HELP, HELP, HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that the holidays are over, I really need to get back on track, I lost down to 181 the first year and then during the last 1.5 years I have slowly gained back to 195-205. I will be 3 years out come May 2007 and I want to be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At my goal, which is 165. As an added motivational tool, I have a wedding to attend that month, and I want to get my skin removed before the end of the year.
I keep telling myself I am going to get strict, but life gets in the way. I keep saying I am going to go strict with protein shakes and bars only for two weeks, and increase my water. I have a very bad habit- my addiction to sugarfree iced lattes. I am lousey at remembering my vitamins, though have been making an effort in that area as my iron levels have plumetted, though the iron tabs are causing severe constipation and abdominal cramping, to the point I have had to start taking colace (stool softners) daily. My exersize dedication sucks. I was doing great until spring of 05 when I fell 14 foot off a ladder a messed up my knee, never have been able to get remotivated.
I have a friend who is in the same boat as me but two years further post-op, she refuses to switch to diet drinks, but is frustrated because she can't get off her platuea.
Hey, can I be a buddy too?
This is my first time back on the board since early June or July of 2006. Got a new job and a new boyfriend and more overtime than I really wanted & life just seemed to speed up to the point that I lost the reins to the ponies somewhere along the line. My faithful everyday journaling on Fitday went out the window. My careful protein counting went down the tubes. French fries & corndogs appeared by magic as my boyfriend introduced me to his world of well rounded menus (pizza, spaghettios, cans of beer....) Then Christmas happened....
Weirdly enough, I've only gained about 4 pounds (so far). However, considering that I'd (slowest loser on the board) finally gotten to within spitting distance of my goal, that's a sad, ugly, four pounds in the wrong direction.
Today, incidentally, is a special day for me. Jan. 13, 1999 I decided to take the 9 day challenge a co-worker offered and start this weird, basically unknown, diet called "Low Carb". I weighed 310 pounds that day.
8 years later, I am 150 (and at one time 154) pounds lighter. It's been a long journey-- low carb, WLS, a thousand falls & a thousand & 1 times getting back up. And here I am starting over... Again...
I'm looking forward to it!
Carbs today-- 23 Total, 17 Net
Protein-- 103
Water-- 42 ounces
Other Calorie/Caffiene Free Fluid-- 102.
All Vits taken.

OK - I havent posted in probably a year and reading all this makes me feel a bit better. Although I have gained 20 lbs in a matter of 3 - 4 months (dont ask how cause I dont know - well I do, its the alcohol and insomnia) but thats a whole other issue to deal with. But this will help. I was a meer 20lbs away from my goal of 160 and now have doubled my need to 40lbs away from my goal - and to top it off, i dont want to screw up the beautiful tummy tuck i had 10 months ago (my excess weight is all in my thighs!)
So i too need tons of encourgement and tips to get on the 2007 track - I am going to be 40 in July and I want to be at goal
12/29/03 - RNY
5'7 = started at 300 went down to 180 now
back to 200