Hi all
I just got home from 12 hours of work. How did you do today?? I am proud to say I drank 80 oz of water and only half a cup of coffee. (was 3 cups of coffee and maybe 30 0z of water) no soda ( use to be 1-2 a day) ! I tried the new special k protein drink. Not bad I had lemon flavored. Yehay also had 70 grams of protein!!
Have you ever noticed the more water you drink, the thirstier you get and drink more. Or am I the only one like this??
I already feel better! I am determined!!!! I think it helps even more just by posting here and coming to terms with my support buddies who know what I am going through!!
How did you all do?? Come on sound off...
Hey Lisa -- only did half as well as I would have liked. Good stuff: Did very well with food during the workday (about 780 calories), and worked out with a personal trainer last night who kicked my butt.
Bad stuff: didn't get in nearly enough water, then ruined the exercise by eating about 6 oz of pita chips last night when I couldn't sleep!
But, I'm renewed again today -- Thanks for starting this chain -- keep it up -- perhaps if I'm accountable to you - I can become accountable to myself!
I had a good day~I wanted to be bad (LOL) but since it was my 2yr anniversary I didn't give in to temptation!!!!!!!!
S~1/2C cottage cheese
L~salad w/shaved deli chicken, croutons, ranch
S~spoonful of peanut butter
D~buffalo chicken w/few tortilla chips
S~fiber one cereal w/skim milk
Got in all vits, 100oz of water and did 3 miles.
Tracy B
Thanks Lisa for posting and keeping us motiviated!! I am working hard to drop the 5 lbs I gained over the holidays!
Walked 3 miles over hills last night. I ate pretty good but still not getting in all my water. I am struggling because I just don't like water and I am not a big fan of cold things - I would rather have tea or coffee. But since I am determined to get the lbs off by month end - I need to suck it up or should I say sip it up!!!!
Have a great day!

Hi Lisa, pretty good day yesterday food wise, although I felt hungry all day I drank water and crystal light as much as possible to keep my food intake where I wanted it. Last night I did flub a little, the munchies were attacking me but instead of grabbing a carb I ate a slice of deli meat and a cheese stick
No exercise yesterday, hopefully I'll get my butt moving this afternoon.
I'm working diligently today to get my liquids above 100 oz. So far not hungry or thinking of food.
Quick question: Do yall have days that you just don't want to eat and then days you feel hungry all day? How do you deal with it?
Have a great day!

Oh Yes Dana!!! There are days when I barely eat and then other days when I'm a bottomless pit!!! I can't figure out what the difference is. Those bottomless pit days are hard~I try to keep reaching for good things, but even too many good things add up by the end of the day. Then there are days when I just make all the wrong choices and I feel like crap phyically and mentally. Urgh, I just wish I didn't have to be obsessed with food and food issues anymore, but I think it will be with me forever.
I'm so glad to know that others have those days when you just don't want to eat anything and other days when you just seem to get enough. I hate those days. I just seem to graze and feel like some kind of pac man eating everything in sight. How do i deal with it? Not very well. But since we have started this thread i feel more in control. I didn't do very well with my water yesterday but i got all my vits and did well with the eating. Today I had a cup of tea with some honey and milk and am having a Luna bar which will probably be my lunch. Tonight I am planning on having some seafood soup. It is snowing again and is very cold so soup sounds good for a winter evening. I want to thank you all so much for this thread. I was feeling so out of control and down. I feel much better and know that with this support and accountability I can get back on track. I am really trying this week to focus on the eating. Next week I will try harder to focus on my water intake.
I actually did get on the tread mill yesterday! Now we'll see if I can do it again tonight. I've been good with taking the vits, but missed on water. Not keeping up with the water today either, but haven't had any soda either.
Question-why shouldn't we drink right before/during/right after a meal? I don't think I was ever given that instruction. As much as I try, I really feel like I need something to drink when I eat. Does it push the food through faster and that's why I feel hungry sooner?
I am so glad that this thread was started! I will be 2 years out on the 21st and I have the exact same feelings that all of you are describing. I feel like a bottomless pit some days and I just eat and eat. I try to make good choices, but as somone else mentioned, those calories add up too unfortunately. Of course I guess to many calories are better made up of good choices than sugar and fatty stuff. Nonetheless, those days make me feel so out of control. Then, some days I feel like I don't want to eat. I like those days!
I try to exercise and stay active, but man that's hard too as well all know! It's a roller coaster that we'll be on forever I guess. I thank God every day for WLS and what it has done to help me change my life.
LAP RNY 1/21/05
Extended abdominoplasty 6/14/06
-114 pounds