still dumping???
hi all! i'm 10 months post-op and i have a question about dumping. i know it might sound crazy, but i'm hoping the 'dumping effect' doesn't diminish after a year, or so. i don't really dump on sweet things, but i do on fatty, greasy foods. i don't ever want that feeling to go away, as i know i'll end up gaining weight if i can eat nachos, wings, etc.. what has everyone else's experience been? thanks!
I'm almost 20 months out and I still have dumping syndrome from sugar and fatty, fried foods. I don't think it "goes away" on its own, but my nutritionist told me that you can "train" your body to accept sugar or fats just by continuing to eat them although it makes you sick. It's like smoking. When you first started smoking your body rejected the smoke, by coughing, getting sick, etc. But, if you continued to smoke, eventually you got used to it and stopped coughing.
My husband had WLS 18 months before I did and he has never dumped on anything he eats, so I think it's been even harder on him. I tend to dump from even the tiniest bit of sugar so I'm very, very careful about what I eat. It's a horrible feeling, but at least it keeps me honest.
Like the others, i'm still a dumper and i'm 2 1/2 years out
For me, too much sugar (even natural fruit sugar)and i feel like i want to die...very painful in my stomach, hot flashes, and i have to lay down and just breathe through it. Usually only lasts 20-40 minutes, but it's still hell. Too much fat/grease or overeating makes me feel nauseaus and tired, but not as bad as sugar.
I can definitley tolerate a bit more sugar now that i could when i was newly post-op, but still have to be careful or i'll be sick, sick, sick. Like you, however, i'm glad it still makes me ill, cause as a life-long emotional eater...the physical reminder of the 'no-no's' is good for me.

Stephanie, No matter how hard I try to follow my own rules something creeps in occassionally and I dump. Fatty stuff will do it but this week I got it from mayo which I was told was sugar free, turns out I was lied to and within a few minutes my heart was beating so fast I was trying to hold it in my chest. I curled up in a fetal position on my bed sipping water till it passed. You're right I hope it never goes away. I can cheat with natual sugar, like cherries and other fruit and no dumping but gluten (wheat) and rice, white carbs omg scary.
Hey Stephanie,
I'm over 5 years post op and I'm still sensitive to certain types of "foods"
1. sweets - I do not do sugar. Don't add it. Haven't added it. Don't do it. Nope. I'm so sensitive to other things that I truly believe I'd be a miserable wreck if I did - so I don't. Period. Have I stated that I don't do sugar?
2. fats - I DO some fried foods. I can only eat 2 - 3 french fries. Any more and I feel the "effects" of the grease - it ain't pretty! yuck.
3. artificial sweeteners (including splenda) - too much ingestion - I get nauseous, gaseous and again - it ain't pretty!!! hahaha
4. too much milk too fast---or
5. more than 1 heaping tablespoon sugfree ice cream - pure ol' sweats, pains, nauseous - gotta sit down in the floor-dizzy DUMPING...
So to answer... at 5+ years, my tool she is a'workin'!
Take good care of "her" and "she'll" take good care of you!