Like so many others, I too have gone off the deep end--here I was thinking that I had finally kicked the fat habit, had the surgery, lost 150 pounds- 4 years ago. I have gained back 40 pounds in the past year--like my body has gone and lost its ability to lose weight. I imagine my stomach has grown back up to its pre-op size.I can eat carbs like nobody's business, but still have trouble digesting meat. Salads give me diarrhea, veggies are o.k. I am getting enough protein, a bit anemic here and there, started taking liquid vitamins & B-12 which is working well. I have never been an exerciser and now realize that if I had been, I never would have gained these 40 pounds. I feel like a total failure- its scaring me--watching the scale go up again. Heading for certain disaster, feeling powerless to stop. How does one stop, where do you go for a head allignment? I am feeling desperate- wanting another surgery--something to stop this from happening all over again. I dread the poor health i was in before. Will I ever find a way to make this a success? I don't know- but I have been trying to walk more-always working on that aspect of it. HELP--I NEED SOME HELP--anybody in the Speedway, Indiana available to be a work out buddy? I would be interested in the Bally's challenge, but feel a work out partner would best get me there and help me to stay interested.